[NCUC-DISCUSS] Acceptance of nomination for NCUC EC

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Fri Nov 6 21:22:48 CET 2015

On Nov 06 15:49, William Drake (william.drake at uzh.ch) wrote:

> I feel obliged to raise just one small point, I don’t know if we
> want to be finicky or flexible about it. Under our existing bylaws
> the “Secretary Treasurer” (who is in actuality just the Treasurer
> part) is a nonvoting member of the EC. That position is sort of
> permanently filled by Milton, as he has the bank account. So the
> suggestion here is that he would be both the voting NA
> representative and the nonvoting Treasurer?

Reading the bylaws literally it would not seem possible.

On the other hand we've already dropped the secretary
part as you note, and I don't see any explicit reason
against one of the EC members having access to the
bank account, so the EC might decide not to have
anybody formally nominated as Secretary-Treasurer
at all and let Milton handle the bank account anyway.

On the third hand, it would be useful to have two people
with access to the bank account, if only because Milton
might be unavailable at some time. So perhaps this would
be a good opportunity to find someone else for the job, even
if in practice he or she would only to act as Milton's backup.

> I of course wouldn’t want to disappoint the teeming hoards gathered
> on Milton’s doorstep, just saying—if we wish to interpret this as
> being ok bylaws-wise, fine, but we should at least be aware that
> we’re doing it.


Tapani Tarvainen

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