[NCUC-DISCUSS] UPDATE: ICANN 52: Non Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) Meeting

Maryam Bakoshi maryam.bakoshi at icann.org
Sun Feb 8 20:11:46 CET 2015

This is the scheduled NCUC meeting at the ICANN meeting in Singapore. The Noncommercial Users Constituency (NCUC) is the home for civil society organizations and individuals in ICANN's GNSO. NCUC currently comprises 378 members from 85 different countries, including 98 noncommercial organizations and 280 individuals. NCUC advocates positions on domain name-related policies that protect and support noncommercial communication and activity on the Internet. Among its key areas of interest are human rights, freedom of expression, privacy, access to knowledge, diversity and consumer choice, development, and global internet governance. - http://singapore52.icann.org/en/schedule/tue-ncuc

LOCAL DATE & TIME: 10/02/2015; SGT 09:30

TIME ZONES: PST 17:30 (09/02/2015); EST 20:30 (09/02/2015); UTC 01:30 (10/02/2015)

ADOBE CONNECT: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/sin52-hullet


Dial in numbers:
Country         Toll Numbers    Freephone/
Toll Free Number

ARGENTINA                       0800-777-0519
AUSTRALIA       ADELAIDE:       61-8-8121-4842  1-800-657-260
AUSTRALIA       BRISBANE:       61-7-3102-0944  1-800-657-260
AUSTRALIA       CANBERRA:       61-2-6100-1944  1-800-657-260
AUSTRALIA       MELBOURNE:      61-3-9010-7713  1-800-657-260
AUSTRALIA       PERTH:  61-8-9467-5223  1-800-657-260
AUSTRALIA       SYDNEY:         61-2-8205-8129  1-800-657-260
AUSTRIA                 43-1-92-81-113  0800-005-259
BELGIUM                 32-2-400-9861   0800-3-8795
BRAZIL          55-11-3958-0779         0800-7610651
CHILE                   1230-020-2863
CHINA   CHINA A:        86-400-810-4789         10800-712-1670
CHINA   CHINA B:        86-400-810-4789         10800-120-1670
COLOMBIA                        01800-9-156474
CROATIA                         080-08-06-309
CZECH REPUBLIC          420-2-25-98-56-64       800-700-177
DENMARK                 45-7014-0284    8088-8324
ESTONIA                         800-011-1093
FINLAND                 358-9-5424-7162         0-800-9-14610
FRANCE  LYON:   33-4-26-69-12-85        080-511-1496
FRANCE  MARSEILLE:      33-4-86-06-00-85        080-511-1496
FRANCE  PARIS:  33-1-70-70-60-72        080-511-1496
GERMANY                 49-69-2222-20362        0800-664-4247
GREECE          30-80-1-100-0687        00800-12-7312
HONG KONG               852-3001-3863   800-962-856
HUNGARY                 36-1-700-8856   06-800-12755
INDIA   BANGALORE:      91-80-61275204
INDIA   MUMBAI:         91-22-61501629
INDIA   INDIA A:                000-800-852-1268
INDIA   INDIA B:                000-800-001-6305
INDIA   INDIA C:                1800-300-00491
INDONESIA                       001-803-011-3982
IRELAND                 353-1-246-7646  1800-992-368
ISRAEL                  1-80-9216162
ITALY   MILAN:  39-02-3600-6007         800-986-383
ITALY   ROME:   39-06-8751-6018         800-986-383
ITALY   TORINO:         39-011-510-0118         800-986-383
JAPAN   OSAKA:  81-6-7878-2631  0066-33-132439
JAPAN   TOKYO:  81-3-6868-2631  0066-33-132439
LATVIA                  8000-3185
LUXEMBOURG              352-27-000-1364         8002-9246
MALAYSIA                        1-800-81-3065
MEXICO  GUADALAJARA (JAL):      52-33-3208-7310         001-866-376-9696
MEXICO  MEXICO CITY:    52-55-5062-9110         001-866-376-9696
MEXICO  MONTERREY:      52-81-2482-0610         001-866-376-9696
NETHERLANDS             31-20-718-8588  0800-023-4378
NEW ZEALAND             64-9-970-4771   0800-447-722
NORWAY          47-21-590-062   800-15157
PANAMA                  011-001-800-5072065
PERU                    0800-53713
PHILIPPINES             63-2-858-3716   1800-111-42453
POLAND                  00-800-1212572
PORTUGAL                        8008-14052
ROMANIA                 40-31-630-01-79
RUSSIA                  8-10-8002-0144011
SAUDI ARABIA                    800-8-110087
SINGAPORE               65-6883-9230    800-120-4663
SLOVAK REPUBLIC                 421-2-322-422-25        0800-002066
SOUTH AFRICA                    080-09-80414
SOUTH KOREA             82-2-6744-1083  00798-14800-7352
SPAIN           34-91-414-25-33         800-300-053
SWEDEN          46-8-566-19-348         0200-884-622
SWITZERLAND             41-44-580-6398  0800-120-032
TAIWAN          886-2-2795-7379         00801-137-797
THAILAND                        001-800-1206-66056
TURKEY                  00-800-151-0516
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES                    8000-35702370
UNITED KINGDOM  BIRMINGHAM:     44-121-210-9025         0808-238-6029
UNITED KINGDOM  GLASGOW:        44-141-202-3225         0808-238-6029
UNITED KINGDOM  LEEDS:  44-113-301-2125         0808-238-6029
UNITED KINGDOM  LONDON:         44-20-7108-6370         0808-238-6029
UNITED KINGDOM  MANCHESTER:     44-161-601-1425         0808-238-6029
URUGUAY                         000-413-598-3421
USA             1-517-345-9004  866-692-5726
VENEZUELA                       0800-1-00-3702

Maryam Bakoshi
Secretariat - NCSG, NCUC, NPOC
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Email: maryam.bakoshi at icann.org<mailto:maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>
secretariat.ncsg at icann.org<mailto:secretariat.ncsg at icann.org>
Mobile: +44 7737 698036
Skype: maryam.bakoshi.icann

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