[NCUC-DISCUSS] NCUC Diversity Matters

Andrew A. Adams aaa at meiji.ac.jp
Wed Aug 5 14:38:31 CEST 2015


On gender, please use "Male/Female/Other" rather than "Male/Female/Not Known" 
since not everyone actually fits into the binary distinction and allocating 
them into a "does not want to say/has not said" is inaccurate. There's not 
generally a need to split "other" out since it is a small section of the 
population with enough diversity within it to make it not so useful to break 
it down otherwise.

Professor Andrew A Adams                      aaa at meiji.ac.jp
Professor at Graduate School of Business Administration,  and
Deputy Director of the Centre for Business Information Ethics
Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan       http://www.a-cubed.info/

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