[NCUC-DISCUSS] Request for help with Civil Society Outreach Meeting in LA

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Tue Sep 23 13:06:28 CEST 2014


Building on our experience doing this in London, we will hold a Civil Society Outreach Meeting in LA, Saturday 11 October 2014 - 16:30 to 19:30 PDT.  http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/sat-civil-society-ngo   The objectives again will be to explain to potentially interested individuals and organizations who are not presently involved what ICANN/GNSO do; to consider how these activities might be relevance to their interests; and to map out and how they can get engaged at the meeting or beyond.  We’ll do a meeting from 16:30-17:45 followed by a reception with libations etc.  People who are attending the Council meeting can come over for the latter bit if the former is not possible.

We would greatly appreciate any suggestions off-list of people we might invite from Internet-oriented civil society in LA, California or further afield who’d likely be in LA and might be enticed to come over and meet with us.  To add them to the invite list we will need a name, organization (if relevant), and email address.  We’re alas getting a late start and don’t have a lot of time to pull this together, so any assistance would be much appreciated.  



William J. Drake
International Fellow & Lecturer
  Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
  University of Zurich, Switzerland
Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency, 
  ICANN, www.ncuc.org
william.drake at uzh.ch (direct), wjdrake at gmail.com (lists),

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