Imran Ahmed Shah ias_pk at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 16 18:40:05 CET 2014

Dear All Fellows,
With reference to NCUC Election 2014, please find herewith my Candidate Statement/ NCUC Nomination for the Election of EC –Asia/Australia/Pacific. I hope you will support me. Your review comments are important for me.
Name:                               Imran Ahmed SHAH
City of Residence:              Lahore
Country of Residence:        Pakistan
Nationality:                        Pakistan 
Stakeholder Group:            Civil Society Pakistan
Region:                             Asia-Pacific Group

Job Title(s)/ Organization(s):
Member:           Internet Governance Caucus (since 2009)
Member:           Best Bits Steering Committee
Member:           Best Bits
Member:           Diplo Internet Governance Community
Member:           ICANN’s NCUC (since 2009)
Member:           ICANN’s Fellowship Alumni (since 2009)
Member:           Internet Society
Member:           (on behalf of Civil Society) & Executive Coordinator (Punjab):
                       ICT Experts Panel National Technology Foresight Committee
Founding President:       Internet Governance Forum of Pakistan
Founding President:       Urdu Internet Society/ Linguistic Internet Council
Founding / Contributor:  Think Tank: Brains for Innovative Research Development & Strategic Studies

My profile is also available on Diplo Internet Governance Community Blog 

url http://www.diplointernetgovernance.org/profiles/blogs/nomination-for-igf-mag-2014 

Candidate Statement for NCUC Nomination for EC Asia/Australia/Pacific:
1. Why do you want to serve on the EC?

I would like to serve for the Internet Users Constituency, supporting developing economies in formation of new Internet layers for non-English linguistic communities. I am very much concerned with the Localized Internet, IDN TLDs and new gTLDs that may increase digitally divided segments significantly. I has been advocating for the Excellence in IDN base Internet Layers to avoid the intensification of digitally divided communities. I am forming a Global Consortium for Civilized Internet for Next Generation/ Innocent Minds and have successfully conducted a workshop on Governance for the Internet of Kids, Teenagers and Youngsters at regional conferences APrIGF-2013 at Seoul (http://2013.rigf.asia/day3/) and APrIGF-2014 at NewDelhi (http://2014.rigf.asia/remote/) and . I believe that I would be a quite relevant representative of Asia and the Pacific non-commercial Communities and Civil Societies representative at ICANN’s NCUC.

2. Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.

IAS Statement: MY BIOGRAPHY and Recent Experience and Association information is as follows:

I belongs to a small city of Pakistan and have MBA (MIS) degrees. Professionally I am a technologist and serving ICT Industry since last 22 years. I have creative mind and have interest in innovative Research & Development and also offering consultancy services in related fields.

I am also serving in community as a Civil Society representative. When I applied my dynamic visionary skill to analyze National & Global Polices in Public Interest and tried to resolve the issues by preparing recommendations I found my abilities very successful in critical analysis, in forecasting about problems and developing the solutions to resolve barriers & obstacles. I have devoted nature which encouraged me to dedicate my spare time voluntarily to contribute in National & Global Policies Development processes, since many years. I established Linguistic Internet Council to unite Linguistic Internet User Communities and to form Linguistic Internet Layers with excellence. I also founded Urdu Internet Society (UISoc.org). On my nomination, UISoc representative also have served ICANN’s Independent Expert for Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team.
I had been trying to convince ISOC Global to form state less global chapters for Linguistic Internet User Communities. In 2008-9 this proposal was rejected after a thorough review by ISOC, but recently, I have raised the same concern at APrIGF 2013 Seoul meeting requesting ISOC board to allow ISOC Global Chapters for Linguistic Internet Communities (non-English users) when ISOC is completed 20+ years with chapters for English users.

I am actively participating in the discussions about the Global Internet Governance issues on various platform including WSIS/IGF, IGC, APrIGF, MDG/UN-GAID/ Diplo Internet Governance. Following the WSIS Tunis agenda, I  founded “Pakistan IGF (IGFPAK.org)”in 2010. I have conducted IGFPAK-2011 Conference and engaged about 6 experts panels from different stakeholder sectors. I also organized IGF Remote Hubs 2011 & 2012 at International Islamic University, Islamabad. On behalf of UISOC & IGFPAK I have facilitating rejuvenation exercise of ISOC Pakistan Chapters and providing a common Hub isoc.org.pk. I am also member of ICT Experts Panel and Executive coordinator for National Technology Foresight Committee (representing Civil Society).

Since 2006 I am also involved in ICANN Policy Development Process as public participation. I successfully convinced ICANN to remove 2-letters limitations of IDN ccTLD name script in Fast Track Program. I also read my papers for gTLDs conflict resolution at public forum of ICANN 36th Seoul Meeting. I am also promoting Information Security Professional and highlighting their support for workforce improvements and the nominees successfully recognized by the ISC2 Board and has won Asia-Pacific Information Security Leadership Awards (ISLA) since last three years.

I am very much concerned with the Localized Internet, IDN TLDs and new gTLDs that may increase digitally divided segments significantly. I has been advocating for the Excellence in IDN base Internet Layers to avoid the intensification of digitally divided communities. I am forming a Global Consortium for Civilized Internet for Next Generation/ Innocent Minds and have successfully conducted a workshop on Governance for the Internet of Kids, Teenagers and Youngsters at APrIGF-2013 at Seoul (http://2013.rigf.asia/day3/) and APrIGF-2014 at NewDelhi (http://2014.rigf.asia/remote/). Summary is available at url: Governance for the Internet of Kids, Teenagers and Youngsters. We discussed about the awareness and mechanism of Online Security & Safety, Privacy & Human Rights for protection of users and definition about the safe and clean contents identification and delivery to the age base Internet users groups and constituencies. I also highlighted the obligations for Source Provides for abuse Internet Contents (such as pornography, hacking and phishing) and need for the global legislation against them. I requested to unite all global organizations who are working on the same theme for the safety & protection of kids from Online Threats, on a single platform to share their experience and deliver it to the Internet Communities jointly and globally. I support for the innovative ideas like dotKID(S), or dotBaby, Internet Address for each newborn baby, Separate Internet Devices, Browsers, search engine databases, Web/Mobile Apps for the age-base users like Kids, Teenagers and Youngsters. I inviteted Enhanced Cooperation among Internet Users Constituencies and all stakeholders to ensure that the standardization of code of ethics ‘بنیادی ضابطہ اخلاق’ is properly implemented according to the fundamental needs of the Internet Communities.

Recently launched E-Lahore Program and Launching ICT Club Lahore in next Saturday (22/11/14)

I submit my nomination for “NCUC EC – Asia/Australia/Pacific” election my SOI is also available on ICANN https://community.icann.org/display/gnsosoi/Imran+Ahmed+Shah+SOI.

3. The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency.  What  level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis?  Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person. 

IAS Statement: To serve NCUC as EC – Asia/Australia/Pacific, I will try to spare 8-10 hours weekly and try my best to attend Online Meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person.

4. Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?

IAS Statement: I will keep the members informed on weekly/monthly and periodically about the NCUC activates and/or whenever receive any query from the members. I will reduce the communication gap between community members and will keep them involved / participating with their point of view as well as policy development process.


5. How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why?  Be concise (200 words maximum).

I foresee that NCUC can perform a pivot role as balancing factor in the Global Policies Development processes being the representation as a Civil Society with the membership of Non Commercial Constituencies/ Community Members. NCUC has been involved in Multi Stakeholders global discussions and exploring relationship between Internet governance policies, public interest and engagement of noncommercial stakeholders. Internet Governance issues and their implications for human rights, development and the democratic process is a key objective. It already has important role to elect GNSO Council representatives and ICANN’s Board.

Thanking you and Best Regards

Imran Ahmed Shah

      From: William Drake <wjdrake at gmail.com>
 To: NCUC-discuss <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org> 
 Sent: Tuesday, 11 November 2014, 14:11
I’ve been traveling and am behind on mail.  I'll respond separately to the thread that’s emerged on facilitating the engagement of new folks, but first want to return to the topic of this subject line for an update.
So far we have the following nominations for the 2015 NCUC EC:
1.  Chair  Bill Drake (nominated by Avri Doria) 2.  EC – Europe Stefania Milan   (self-nomination)3.  EC - Africa Grace Githaiga (self-nomination)4.  EC – North America   Roy Balleste (self-nomination)5.  EC – Asia/Australia/Pacific [none]6.  EC – Latin America/ Caribbean  [none]
We have just six days, until Sunday 16 November, to get more nominations.  Obviously, we must have candidates for the two seats with no nominations, and additional candidates for the other slots would be highly desirable as well so we can have a competitive election.  So please do consider whether you or someone you know could be right for one of these six positions!
Also, a reminder: Maryam has sent mail to all the addresses we have in our data base seeking confirmation that they are correct so that the ballot can be mailed on 1 December.  If you did not receive or reply to this message, please send email to her, maryam.bakoshi at icann.org.
Thanks much

On Nov 3, 2014, at 9:10 AM, William Drake <wjdrake at gmail.com> wrote:

Hello everyone
Further to the message below, today being 3 November, nominations are now open until Sunday 16 November (close of business on earth) for our election.  Again, self-nominations and nominations of colleagues are equally welcome (in the latter case, a good practice is to check with the potential nominee first).  
Again a reminder that

That said, we must have your correct current email address in our data base in order for staff to send you a ballot.  The only way we can ensure this is for you to send an email to Maryam Bakoshi maryam.bakoshi at icann.org so she can check it against the data base.  Please do this as soon as possible. While you’re at it, you might want to double check that you are correctly listed at http://www.ncuc.org/about/members/  as well.  

Happy nominating,

On Oct 29, 2014, at 3:32 PM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch> wrote:

Now that NCSG has wrapped up its early Autumn election and ICANN’s Annual Meeting in LA is behind us, it is NCUC's turn for elections.  We need to elect a Chair and an Executive Committee for 2015.   
I.  Positions
The positions to be filled are:
1.  Chair   [currently held by William Drake]2.  EC – Europe [currently held by Stefania Milan]3.  EC - Africa [currently held by  Grace Githaiga]4.  EC – Asia/Australia/Pacific [currently held by Pranesh Prakash]5.  EC – North America   [currently held by  Roy Balleste]6.  EC – Latin America/ Caribbean  [currently held by Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza]
Biographies on the current members are available from http://www.ncuc.org/governance/executive-committee/ 
NCUC really needs committed volunteers who are really willing to donate a few hours a week to collaboration in order to help ensure that civil society's voice is heard in ICANN.  The EC’s responsibilities are primarily in the realm of constituency administrative management, inreach and outreach, and interfacing with ICANN’s staff and community as needed (GNSO policy work being the province of the participants in the NCSG Policy Committee, GNSO Council, and GNSO working groups).    If you think that you or someone you know would be well suited to the tasks involved, then please consider nominating accordingly.

II.  Timetable
The process begins next Monday, November 3.  The timetable will be as follows:
November 3 - 16: Nominations submitted to ncuc-discuss  November 17 - 30: Candidates submit statements to ncuc-discuss December 1 − 14: Election period December 15: Results announced
During the first two-week period, any member can self-nominate or nominate any other member http://www.ncuc.org/about/members/ (usually best to check with them first).  During the second two-week period, nominees must notify colleagues via the mail list whether they accept the nomination, and if they do, submit a candidate statement (see below).  At the beginning of the third two-week period, ballots will be emailed by ICANN staff, and voting will occur on a secure website.  Staff will then run the tally software and announce the vote, and the new EC will be set up soon thereafter.

III.  Participation
As you know, in accordance with its Charter, NCSG’s chair does a labor-intensive "check-in” procedure (probably necessary in the SG context), and members who do not reply in time to multiple email promptings become ineligible to vote in the election cycle.  Rafik went through this in recent NCSG election, with these results https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsJI0CB4QegidDktTGtfa2pWZlMzY1FnRHFBYkRXekE&usp=drive_web#gid=0 
In contrast, NCUC’s Bylaws don’t require a check-in, and we have never done one.  Whether in the future we might want to move in this direction has been discussed in the EC before and might merit consideration again (there are pluses and minuses to it), but for now we will stick with our simplified traditional approach.  Everyone who’s a member as of 30 days before the election (i.e. now) is eligible to vote, and the results in contested cases are based on simple majorities irrespective of what percentage of members “turns out” to vote.  
That said, we must have your correct current email address in our data base in order for staff to send you a ballot.  The only way we can ensure this is for you to send an email to Maryam Bakoshi maryam.bakoshi at icann.org so she can check it against the data base.  Please do this as soon as possible. While you’re at it, you might want to double check that you are correctly listed at http://www.ncuc.org/about/members/  as well.  

IV.  Candidate Statements
For when we get to this stage, the standard list of questions we’ve asked people over the years is as follows:
1. Why do you want to serve on the EC?
2. Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.
3. The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency.  What  level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis?  Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person. 
4. Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?
5. How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why?  
The statements should be relatively concise, e.g. a couple paragraphs per question.  Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward and forward looking, i.e. taking note of contributions and work in the previous year.
 V.  "Meet the Candidates” Virtual Meeting?
During last year’s election, we tried something new and scheduled an Adobe Connect session where members could ask the candidates questions etc.  If there’s demand to try this again we can schedule a session during the election period.
I may be forgetting something…if there are any questions, just ask.  Otherwise, please do keep this election schedule on your radar,  consider whether you or someone you know might like to stand for election to one of the above posts, ensure that we have your email address, and when the time comes, vote.  It’s really important.
Thanks much,

William J. Drake
International Fellow & Lecturer
  Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
  University of Zurich, Switzerland
Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency, 
  ICANN, www.ncuc.org
william.drake at uzh.ch (direct), wjdrake at gmail.com (lists),

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Ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org

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