Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Sun Nov 9 06:05:11 CET 2014

On Sat, Nov 08, 2014 at 12:45:19PM -0800, Dan Krimm (dan at musicunbound.com) wrote:

> How about some sort of "official observers" included on the coordination
> lists for these committees, where those with the interest get to look in on
> communications by the EC or PC, etc.

For the most part I see little need, as things can be observed
unofficially just as well.

> Just being a "fly on the wall" can be a very educational first step,
> without placing any additional burden on anyone with decision-making
> responsibilities. It points a new member toward the sorts of things
> one needs to learn in order to become a more effective participant.


> Is there anything intrinsically confidential about the deliberations of
> these committees, or are they kept separate simply to avoid clutter on the
> main membership lists? 

Mainly the latter.

> (Are they published on the web anywhere, at present?)

Go to http://www.ncuc.org and click "Participate" and under it
"Mailing Lists", or go directly to http://lists.ncuc.org/.

Almost all lists have public archives. The exception is Events,
which sometimes handles at least semi-confidential stuff.

Tapani Tarvainen

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