[NCUC-DISCUSS] ICANN privacy policy

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Sun Mar 30 21:37:11 CEST 2014

if NCUC is willing and able to provided services to all NCSG members, 
that might be ok.

if NCUC wants to brand itself as a policy space provider to all of NCSG, 
i could live with it.  though i am not sure it might not confuse others 
who weren't accepting of the ncuc persuasion.

i am also fine with ipjustice branding itself as provider of policy 
discussion space for NCSG and beyond.


On 30-Mar-14 14:47, Joly MacFie wrote:
> I had suggested NCSG-PRIVACY at NCUC.ORG <mailto:NCSG-PRIVACY at NCUC.ORG>
> with subscription validated against NCSG membership.
> I see it is in fact ICANNPRIV at NCUC.ORG <mailto:ICANNPRIV at NCUC.ORG> at
> http://lists.ncuc.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/icannpriv
> So, is this intended as open to all comers?

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