[NCUC-DISCUSS] ICANN privacy policy

Stephanie Perrin stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
Fri Mar 28 08:35:36 CET 2014

I understand why you want to do this.  This is a working group, to draft something.  I hear rumours there are 350 people on the NCSG discussion list.  I have worked all year trying to get basic, basic concepts of data protection law understood.  I am not sure drafting this thing in such a big group is efficient.  i have no objections sending the small group's concensus draft from the working group to the larger list, but I am mindful of Bill's admonition to keep the traffic low.  if we start discussing definitions, frameworks, jurisdiction, related constitutional protections (remembering there are at least 50 jurisdictions out there with data protection law,) we will never get this thing done. It is supposed to be a short gap analysis of their privacy policy, that is all, not a draft of a new privacy policy.  If that were what we are doing, then maybe we would have to do it in the bigger group. 
Just saying.  EPIC and PI found it a total nightmare in recent years trying to update the Privacy and Human RIghts Law Handbook, it is just too big now (see link http://www.worldlii.org/int/journals/EPICPrivHR/2006/PHR2006-Defining.html)  I will abide by the decision of this group, but I will also feed my draft in to the EWG if we bog down and cannot reach agreement.  we have a major admission that they need advice, STeve is happy to get it, we gotta move. 
Cheers SP
PS Here is the link to the framework I intend to reference (mostly because it is dated 2002 and I want to underscore just how late ICANN is in recognizing its responsibilities), referring of course to recent updates in EU law, proposed regulation, and the guidance on binding corporate rules from the Art 29 group.  http://danskprivacynet.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/ipse_finalreport1.pdf.  If anyone can think of a decent US document to cite, I am all ears, but I am not aware of one.
From: ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org <ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> on behalf of Avri Doria <avri at acm.org>
Sent: March 27, 2014 10:11 PM
Cc: ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org
Subject: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] ICANN privacy policy

On 27-Mar-14 13:13, Amr Elsadr wrote:
> I think it is important to decide early on wether we are going to
> have separate discussions regarding ICANN’s privacy and data
> protection policies within their own corporate practices and within
> the policies developed through the GNSO impacting obligations imposed
> on contracted parties, or not.

I suggest we stick to one NCSG wide discussion space for all of this.

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