[NCUC-DISCUSS] NCUC Election 2013

Tapani Tarvainen tapani.tarvainen at effi.org
Sat Nov 9 08:49:23 CET 2013

On Nov 08 15:11, Brenden Kuerbis (bkuerbis at internetgovernance.org) wrote:

> While its great to see such enthusiasm around election time, I personally
> think we should withhold our endorsements and "+1s" until the full slate of
> candidates is determined and their statements submitted for our review.  We
> don't want to inadvertently discourage anyone who may have been thinking of
> running, etc.

Dear Brenden,

While I'm sure you didn't intend it that way, your message can easily
be misread in a way that'll discourage potential candidates even more
(and has been so read, based on some offlist comments).

Namely, it gives the impression there's an unofficial "nominating
committee" or secret cabal somewhere who've been planning to
release their list in a coordinated manner and are now annoyed
when their plans are being interfered with.

Of course there's nothing inherently wrong in forming lists
and even sort-of-political-parties to support them, but
it becomes dangerous if people get the impression there's
one semi-official, approved-by-the-elders list and
nominations or endorsements outside it are likely to
have adverse consequences.

Anyway, I would like to dispel such fears and encourage
everyone to nominate and endorse anyone they like,
in particular without worrying that nominating someone to run
against an incumbent or one otherwise favoured by oldtimers
would be seen as an expression of distrust or anything like that.
I for one would certainly be much happier to run if there were a
whole bunch of candidates to compete against.

The nominating period started on 6 November, and there's no
separate period for campaigning between that and the
election. So, there's no need to wait for any kind of
semi-offical approval from anyone before making nominations:
just go ahead and nominate or endorse anyone you want,
as soon as you want, as enthusiastically as you want.

Tapani Tarvainen
Ncuc-discuss mailing list
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