Alternative to SOPA - Make Piracy your Friend

Joly MacFie joly at PUNKCAST.COM
Sun Jan 15 01:36:00 CET 2012

[Well argued piece by Tim O'Reily on the economic aspects]

In the entire discussion, I've seen no discussion of credible evidence of
this economic harm. There's no question in my mind that piracy exists, that
people around the world are enjoying creative content without paying for
it, and even that some criminals are profiting by redistributing it. But is
there actual economic harm?

In my experience at O'Reilly, the losses due to piracy are far outweighed
by the benefits of the free flow of information, which makes the world
richer, and develops new markets for legitimate content. Most of the people
who are downloading unauthorized copies of O'Reilly books would never have
paid us for them anyway; meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of others are
buying content from us, many of them in countries that we were never able
to do business with when our products were not available in digital form.

History shows us, again and again, that frontiers are lawless places, but
that as they get richer and more settled, they join in the rule of law.
American publishing, now the largest publishing industry in the world,
began with piracy. (I have a post coming on that subject on Monday.)

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
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