Council Nominations: Joy Liddicoat and Wolfgang Kleinwachter

Baudouin SCHOMBE b.schombe at GMAIL.COM
Wed Sep 7 17:14:25 CEST 2011

+1 for the both.


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2011/9/7 William Drake <william.drake at>

> Hi everyone,
> I am please to nominate for the open Council seats two outstanding civil
> society scholar/activists, Joy Liddicoat and Wolfgang Kleinwachter.
> Joy is the Project Co-ordinator for Internet Rights are Human Rights for
> the Association for Progressive Communication, a NCUC organizational member.
>  Joy is lawyer who's been a long-time activist on human rights on the
> Internet and beyond, and she's also involved in DNS issues and well attuned
> to the ICANNsphere.  At present she also serves Director of the Domain Name
> Commission, InternetNZ, the non-profit multistakeholder body responsible for
> managing .nz and related Internet issues in New Zealand, so she brings to
> the table an understanding of public interest aspects of the ccTLD space as
> well.  A strong human rights orientation has generally been lacking in ICANN
> and the GNSO, so she'd be filling an important gap.  At the same time, it
> would be good to further engage in NCSG the APC, which as probably everyone
> knows is the probably the largest NGO, a multinational network, doing civil
> society activism around Internet and ICT issues.  More about Joy here
> and APC here
> Wolfgang is probably known to most members, as he's an individual NCUC
> member who's attended I believe all but one or two ICANN meetings since its
> founding and has served most recently as the chair of Nomcom.  He's a
> leading scholar on global Internet governance and ICANN who's been very
> involved with not only ICANN but the civil society coalitions involved in
> the WSIS and IGF.  He is a professor at the University of Aarhus, the
> organizer of the annual ICANN Studienkreis conference, the organizer of the
> European Summer School on Internet Governance, a founder along with Milton
> myself and others of the Global Internet Governance Academic Networks, and
> so on.  Like Joy, he has the background and disposition to be a great
> Councilor for the NCSG.  More about Wolfgang here
> Best,
> Bill
> ***************************************************
> William J. Drake
> International Fellow
> Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
> University of Zurich, Switzerland
> william.drake at
> ****************************************************
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