Council Nominations: Joy Liddicoat and Wolfgang Kleinwachter

Joy Liddicoat joy at APC.ORG
Thu Sep 8 16:16:52 CEST 2011

Hi Bill and all,

Thank you very much for this nomination. I’d be delighted to have the chance
to represent civil society, advocate strongly for preserving noncommerical
public interest values and work with NCSG to promote noncommercial
communication and activity on the Internet. 

Kind regards


Joy Liddicoat

Project Coordinator

Internet Rights are Human Rights

Tel: +64 21 263 2753

Skype id: joy.liddicoat

Yahoo id: strategic at






From: William Drake [mailto:william.drake at] 
Sent: Thursday, 8 September 2011 12:48 a.m.
Cc: Liddicoat, Joy; Wolfgang Kleinwächter
Subject: Council Nominations: Joy Liddicoat and Wolfgang Kleinwachter


Hi everyone,


I am please to nominate for the open Council seats two outstanding civil
society scholar/activists, Joy Liddicoat and Wolfgang Kleinwachter.


Joy is the Project Co-ordinator for Internet Rights are Human Rights for the
Association for Progressive Communication, a NCUC organizational member.
Joy is lawyer who's been a long-time activist on human rights on the
Internet and beyond, and she's also involved in DNS issues and well attuned
to the ICANNsphere.  At present she also serves Director of the Domain Name
Commission, InternetNZ, the non-profit multistakeholder body responsible for
managing .nz and related Internet issues in New Zealand, so she brings to
the table an understanding of public interest aspects of the ccTLD space as
well.  A strong human rights orientation has generally been lacking in ICANN
and the GNSO, so she'd be filling an important gap.  At the same time, it
would be good to further engage in NCSG the APC, which as probably everyone
knows is the probably the largest NGO, a multinational network, doing civil
society activism around Internet and ICT issues.  More about Joy here and APC here


Wolfgang is probably known to most members, as he's an individual NCUC
member who's attended I believe all but one or two ICANN meetings since its
founding and has served most recently as the chair of Nomcom.  He's a
leading scholar on global Internet governance and ICANN who's been very
involved with not only ICANN but the civil society coalitions involved in
the WSIS and IGF.  He is a professor at the University of Aarhus, the
organizer of the annual ICANN Studienkreis conference, the organizer of the
European Summer School on Internet Governance, a founder along with Milton
myself and others of the Global Internet Governance Academic Networks, and
so on.  Like Joy, he has the background and disposition to be a great
Councilor for the NCSG.  More about Wolfgang here





William J. Drake
International Fellow
Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
University of Zurich, Switzerland
william.drake at


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