NCUC elections for Chair and EC

Konstantinos Komaitis k.komaitis at STRATH.AC.UK
Mon Nov 14 19:57:58 CET 2011

Dear all,

Yes! It has been a year and elections are upon us. We need to elect an NCUC Chair and an NCUC Executive Committee.

So, the positions open up for elections are:

1.        NCUC Chair

2.       NCUC EC - Europe

3.       NCUC EC - Africa

4.      NCUC EC - Asia and the Pacific

5.       NCUC EC - North America

6.      NCUC EC - Latin America

I would like to have the elected officers take office before the new year, so I suggest the following schedule:

November 14-26: NOMINATIONS
November 27-30: I liaise with ICANN staff and send them the names of the nominees and all the information so they can proceed to the creation of the ballots. ICANN sends out the ballots.
December 1 - 14: Voting takes place

I have contacted ICANN and I am waiting to hear from them regarding whether they can help us. Unless I hear otherwise from ICANN, in which case we will need to find someone else to hold the elections, I suggest we stick to this timeframe.

Thank you and best of luck to all the candidates.


Dr. Konstantinos Komaitis,

Senior Lecturer,
Director of Postgraduate Instructional Courses
Director of LLM Information Technology and Telecommunications Law
University of Strathclyde,
The Law School,
Graham Hills building,
50 George Street, Glasgow G1 1BA
tel: +44 (0)141 548 4306
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