AoC Review Teams

William Drake william.drake at GRADUATEINSTITUTE.CH
Wed Jun 30 17:18:47 CEST 2010


A reminder, we need candidates to represent NCSG on the SSR and WHOIS review teams.  It's not clear yet whether GNSO will get 2 or 4 slots on SSR, still pending, but for the WHOIS GNSO gets 4 so the nominee would be guaranteed a seat.  This is really pretty important, and after all the politics around this process it'd be pretty sad if we can't put forward candidates.  And from what Willie told us in Brussels, being on a RT is pretty interesting…so hopefully folks will consider this.

Relevant dates:

15 July applications due, and

On Jun 30, 2010, at 1:10 AM, Glen de Saint Géry wrote:

> • GNSO slate of endorsements is due not later than the end of August
> • Next Council meetings: 5 August & 26 August
> • Initial Council action on Stakeholder Group (SG) endorsements needs to occur on 5 August to allow for any needed follow-up action on 26 August 2010. 
> • SG endorsements & any alternates are needed by 28 July 2010.



William J. Drake
Senior Associate
Centre for International Governance
Graduate Institute of International and
 Development Studies
Geneva, Switzerland
william.drake at

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