Draft Agenda for Tuesday 22 Jun

William Drake william.drake at GRADUATEINSTITUTE.CH
Wed Jun 16 07:12:05 CEST 2010


On Jun 15, 2010, at 10:00 PM, Avri Doria wrote:

> This is my first take of the agenda based on the conversation we had on last week's call.

Looks good.  Since the morning will have to be taken with institutional issues and then there's PIR after lunch, I guess 
> 1430 - 1500 Issues & Strategies

Is where everything else will have to go.  We do need to establishing a process for RT endorsements per cycle and we urgently need to identify candidates for the WHOIS RT (GNSO gets four slots again, so the person should get on) and the SSR RT (GNSO only gets two slots, so in principle a 50% chance).
And boot up the ATRT input.

> (we may want to break by 1630 so that people can get to the GAC/Board meeting)

Good idea if we can.


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