Reminder to Please Vote in the Election to PASS the NCSG Charter

Robin Gross robin at IPJUSTICE.ORG
Wed Jun 9 01:29:31 CEST 2010

By now, all NCSG members should have received their email ballot in
the election for the NCSG Charter.

The 3rd email ballot was sent on 5 or 7 June to those NCSG members
who have not yet cast their ballot.

Your email ballot was sent from the email address < ncuc at
 > with a personalized link to vote for each member, so please search
your email folders and spam filters for the email ballot, and VOTE.

If you still can't find your email ballot after searching, please let
me know asap.

We need for every NCSG member to vote in the election.  Since 60% of
the membership must approve the charter in order for it to pass, not
voting in the election counts as a vote AGAINST the charter, so
please cast your vote today.

Passing the NCSG Charter is a crucial step in gaining parity with
commercial participants at ICANN and will allow us to devote our
energy to the substantive policy issues that we care about.  We are
very close to finishing this long and hard fought process, but it
can't be done without the membership's approval.

The charter election ends on 12 June (Saturday), so please don't
delay in casting your YES ballot in this important election.

Thank you!

Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451
w:     e: robin at

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