NCSG/NCUC public comments (July)

Mary Wong MWong at PIERCELAW.EDU
Sun Jul 11 07:05:47 CEST 2010

As several public comment periods on issues which a number of NCSG/NCUC members are interested in are closing this month (July), and as there was a brief discussion in Brussels over which such issues might be suitable for an SG or Constituency-wide comment, I thought it would be helpful if members could indicate whether they intend to public comments for any of them (whether individually, through their organizations/employers, or on behalf of the SG/Constituency), and, if so, which:
Some of the issues now open for public comment and that may interest members include: (1) new gTLDs/DAG (version 4); (2) proposals for amendments to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA); (3) a proposed new Policy Development Process (PDP) for the GNSO; (4) new SG and Constituency operations procedures; and, of course, the ongoing Accountability & Transparency Review Team work.
Mary W S Wong
Professor of Law & Chair, Graduate IP Programs
Franklin Pierce Law Center
Two White Street
Concord, NH 03301
Email: mwong at
Phone: 1-603-513-5143
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