Posicion de Internauta Argentina por el cctld .hn

Carlos A. Afonso ca at CAFONSO.CA
Wed Sep 30 16:34:59 CEST 2009

Caro Jorge,

While I agree that in this list we have to concentrate on ICANN issues
per se regarding non-commercial domain name holders, I am sure you and
our colleagues agree we are confronting a serious political issue here,
as we have confronted severe political issues (regarding basically the
balance of power between business and other constituencies) in our
relationship with the ICANN system in defending those non-profit
interests. So we should first of all never be afraid of political issues
(and political discourses in consequence, of course).

Secondly, recalling that we are a non-profit non-commercial
constituency, a civil society organization which does far more than just
distribute .hn domains is under strong pressure by a dictatorship which
even the OAS recognizes as illegal, and the current power holders
committed a series of crimes also recognized by the OAS and the
international community. What else do you need? I agree we need to
moderate discourse in our official stataments, but maybe a coup d'etat
is no longer a crime, irrespective of what ICANN can officially say (if
it will ever say anything)??

The argument of "stability" is too generic in this case -- a government
can perfectly run a ccTLD DNS, as several examples demonstrate, with
stability, sometimes more stability than several other ccTLDs run by
private companies or academic organizations.

The central issue is, on the one hand, that this is a resource which
amounts to the identity of the country on the Internet (unlike a gTLD),
which ought to be treated as an asset of the commons, not just a
unilateral government service (even Argentina is recognizing this)
subject to arbitrary decisions. On the other hand, it is being managed
by a qualified non-profit (our turf, remember that) since the early
90's, and only now a dictatorship (sorry, I do not need to climb on a
soapbox to use this term) suddenly discovers it has to grab it (for what
purpose exactly??).

As NCUC member, I think NCUC needs to be clearly more proactive than
"oh, I am concerned about the stability of the DNS, please, interim
president Micheletti, I respectfully ask you not to do anything which
affects this stability...". A NCUC statement is one thing, what ICANN
can do is another.

So, in summary, I think we have more than enough facts for NCUC to do a
statement clearly supportive of RDS-HN, and we need to work on it,
including what we think ICANN should do.

fraternal regards


Jorge Amodio wrote:
> I'd step down from the soapbox a little bit and avoid the "political discourse".
> This is a very complicated issue.
> We can't call anybody a "criminal" until there is proof and/or judgement
> according to local and international laws that a crime was committed.
> We can share the concern of other international organizations about
> civil liberties and freedom of expression and recognize the work RDS
> as an NGO has been doing over the years.
> Patrick Vande Walle is developing a better line of thought on the at-large
> mailing list about this matter, in regards that whatever is going on there has
> the potential risk of affecting the stability of the DNS not only for Honduran
> people but also for the rest of the Internet community.
> And that any changes on the delegation of a ccTLD admin have to
> follow the guidelines as expressed in RFC1591.
> I don't think it matters at all that RDS signed the AF with ICANN, since
> it's just that a "framework", and not a binding contract or international
> treaty.
> In summary, I strongly believe that the tone for any statement we put
> together or we encourage ICANN to put together has to be about
> "an expression of concern about the stability and security of the DNS".
> My .02
> Jorge
> 2009/9/29 INFO Internauta <info at internauta.org.ar>:
>> Posición de Internauta Argentina ante el intento del Gobierno Golpista de
>> Honduras para tomar de forma repentina y abrupta la operación del cctld .hn
>> La Asociación Argentina de Usuarios de Internet, quiere manifestar su
>> repudio al acto criminal del que fueron objeto los compañeros integrantes de
>> la Red de Desarrollo Sostenible de Honduras  por parte de la dictadura de la
>> Republica hermana de Honduras.
>> Proseguimos con nuestra solidaridad con el pueblo Hondureño manifestada
>> desde el primer momento que sucedió el movimiento destituyente en ese país,
>> como hemos acompañado todo reclamo y lucha por la justicia y la democracia
>> de todos los pueblos del mundo.
>> Creemos que solo la autodeterminación de los pueblos y el respeto del
>> sistema democrático son los únicos medios idóneos para la solución de los
>> problemas dentro de un país.
>> No debe de haber lugar a legitimar ninguna acción propuesta por movimientos
>> destituyentes del sistema democrático, por ninguna de las estructuras de
>> participacion o de toma de decision de ICANN.
>> Desconocemos la autoridad de estas personas que en nombre del estado de
>> Honduras intentan someter la administración del cctld.hn e instamos a que
>> ICANN se manifieste en este sentido, no puede quedar dudas de la
>> ilegitimidad del accionar de estas personas.
>> Repudiamos la acción u omisión en sus actos de muchos profesionales de
>> informática que prestan sus conocimientos para apoyar estas inactivas del
>> golpismo Antidemocrático Hondureño.
>> Abogamos por el regreso del sistema constitucional al país como así también
>> de su legítimo presidente Manuel Zelaya y repudiamos enérgicamente los
>> abusos a los medios de comunicación y a la Red de Desarrollo Sostenible como
>> ente encargada de la registración del cctld .hn.
>> Saludos Cordiales
>> Con mandato por la Comision Directiva reunida el dìa 28 de Septiembre de
>> 2009
>> Firman:
>> Sergio Salinas Porto (Presidente;  Internauta, Asociación Argentina de
>> Usuarios de Internet)
>> Andrés Zelayeta (Vicepresidente; Internauta, Asociación Argentina de
>> Usuarios de Internet)
>> Hugo Pellejero  (Secretario;  Internauta, Asociación Argentina de Usuarios
>> de Internet)


Carlos A. Afonso
CGI.br (www.cgi.br)
Nupef (www.nupef.org.br)
new/nuevo/novo e-mail: ca at cafonso.ca

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