Meeting Notes for 27 Oct. 2009 "Constituency Day" NCUC-NCSG in Seoul - ICANN mtg
Robin Gross
Sun Nov 1 22:16:32 CET 2009
Dear All,
Attached and below are the meeting notes from the 27 October 2009
"Constituency Day" NCUC-NCSG meeting in Seoul. A giant thanks to
Mary for taking such excellent notes!
All best,

Tuesday October 26, 2009
The Chair called the meeting to order shortly after 9 a.m.
1.1 Introduction
The meeting began with introductions. This is the largest in-person
showing of NCUC (now NCSG) members at face-to-face (F2F) ICANN
meetings, and displays a diversity of geographical representation as
well as an increasing number of new members. Several members also
participated remotely. In total, more than members and several
observers were present, from more than a dozen countries.
1.2 Membership Survey
Rebecca Mackinnon presented the results of a Membership Survey she
conducted recently. This is the first comprehensive survey of the
membership, and the group agreed that it resulted in some very
helpful statistics and comments, although the fact that the survey
was conducted shortly before the Seoul meeting meant that fewer
responses were received than might otherwise have been the case.
Several members expressed some concern over whether and how the
results would be anonymized prior to their public release and the
group discussed a suggestion that the results (appropriately
anonymized) be sent directly to ICANN Board and staff after it is
made publicly available. A comment that was made by one survey
respondent relating to the technical and access issues that some
members, particularly in developing countries, have with joining in
our online meetings and discussions was also discussed.
1.3 Building Stronger Relationships within the ICANN Community
A discussion then ensued on how to build stronger relations with
other entities within ICANN, including ALAC and the GAC. The Chair
mentioned that, of all the efforts that had been made, Bill Drake
(one of the current Councillors and NCUC-appointed liaison to ALAC)
has been instrumental in bridging the communications gap between NCUC
and ALAC. Several members gave suggestions on possible ideas and
mechanisms to better inform the ICANN community on NCUC’s membership
and issues.
Suggestions included an informal list informing the membership of the
work being undertaken at ICANN, selecting from and discussing some of
the issues highlighted by Rebecca in her survey, strengthening the
role of the various liaisons, taking advantage of F2F meetings
(whether informally or arranged across constituencies/groups) and
finding ways to inform the membership about current ICANN policy work
to enable them to join working groups, drafting teams etc.
It was also emphasized that we need to improve relations with the
Board, in that it was clear during the charter negotiations that many
Board members were unfamiliar with NCUC and unacquainted with many of
our members personally.
1.4 ICT & Website Issues
Brenden Kuerbis outlined the online communication tools we are
currently using, e.g. the listservs, website and limited Twittering.
He suggested that we take a step back and consider the reasons and
guidelines for using these tools, i.e. access, accessibility,
resource-intensiveness (time and energy), scalability, interaction
with/across other civil society platforms, and the need for archiving.
The Chair thanked Brenden for his time and IGP-supported efforts at
basically being the one person who has been responsible for
developing and educating members on the use of these tools.
Other members commented on the need to deploy different tools (e.g.
IRC and not just Elluminate) to take into account high and low
bandwidth as well as blocking in different countries; there is,
however, some risk of confusion with multiple information platforms
and information overload.
1.5 Funding
Funding remains a problem, e.g. the Internet Governance Project (IGP)
that funds much of Brenden’s work for us, will see its current grant
expire early in 2010.
It also seems clear that we need administrative and human resource
support. Rob Hoggarth (ICANN staff) noted that the GNSO Operations
Steering Committee (OSC) will be sending to the Council a toolkit of
support mechanisms, which as part of the GNSO Improvements process is
intended to assist with some of these issues.
Rebecca Mackinnon noted that some foundations may be interested in
funding developing world participants for ICANN meetings, especially
given the recent growth in membership.
Some discussion ensued over the appropriateness of receiving
substantial funding from ICANN versus independent sources. The
Affirmation of Commitments (endorsing the public interest and the
multi-stakeholder approach) and the ICANN Fellowship program (e.g.
requesting a dedicated number of Fellows per ICANN meeting) were
Carlos Afonso mentioned that certain entities (e.g. CGI Brazil,
Nominet in the UK and CRIA in Canada) might be interested in funding
ICANN participation by non-commercial representatives.
While the members present welcomed any resource contributions from
ICANN to support NCUC administrative activities, they agreed
maintaining the independence of its communication tools was important.
The Chair outlined the basic positions that NCUC has taken previously
in relation to the Draft Applicant Guidebook (DAG) for new gTLDs. The
DAG is now in its third iteration (DAG-3). The Chair also reminded
members of the tight deadlines for various public comments, i.e. 22
November (for DAG-3 and for the two ICANN staff proposals regarding
trademark protection).
Kathy Kleiman and Konstantinos Komaitis led a discussion on trademark
protections in new gTLDs, including the establishment of and
timelines for a Special Trademark Interests (STI) review team being
set up by the GNSO in order to address the two issues (a Trademark
Clearinghouse and a Uniform Rapid Suspension system) that the Board
has referred to the GNSO community for consensus.
Kurt Pritz (ICANN Senior Vice President for Policy) then briefed the
group on some developments in DAG-3. Many members had questions for
Kurt relating to several issues of concern to NCUC regarding DAG-3
and new gTLDs, including trademark protection, morality and public
order, and the objection process.
** The group broke for lunch after the discussion with Kurt Pritz **
Richard Tindal (eNom) and Brian Cute (Afilias) gave presentations
discussing the benefits and risks of integrating registries and
registrars under the new gTLD regime. Milton Mueller led a question-
and-answer session between the presenters and members.
Kathy Kleiman, Konstantinos Komaitis and Wendy Seltzer led a
discussion about the Board letter to the GNSO requesting feedback
from the GNSO community on the ICANN staff models for a Trademark
Clearinghouse and a Uniform Rapid Suspension system.
The members present agreed to have those NCSG members who will be
representing the NCSG on the GNSO review group prepare the NCSG
positions on these proposals, with input from other interested
members. Several members asked for clarification on the proposals,
and suggestions were made regarding NCSG’s possible positions to
take on the proposals.
The group reviewed the meeting between the Board and the NCSG that
took place on 25 October. It was agreed that it was a positive and
helpful meeting, and opened the door to further good faith
discussions with the Board’s Structural Improvements Committee (SIC)
on a final NCSG Charter.
The group then discussed the question how to maintain good
relationships with At Large. Wendy Seltzer reminded the group that
the Board does not want to have to consider minute details regarding
the methods of participation by non-commercial actors in ICANN, and
that it would welcome proposals that determined clearly but
succinctly the workings of the non-commercial space, particularly if
they could be demonstrated to have achieved consensus between At
Large and NCSG.
Avri Doria presented a preliminary proposal for transitioning into
the NCSG until the final Charter is confirmed with the ICANN Board.
The idea is to present the SIC with the proposal for NCUC-NCSG
transition before the end of the week. Discussion ensued over the
proposal, as well as the workings of the SIC Interim Charter. The
transition proposal met with the general approval of the members
present, who also suggested a few amendments.
Rob Hoggarth (ICANN staff) answered questions from the members
present relating to the Transitional NCSG Charter and the various
Board decisions relating to the NCSG.
A motion was proposed by Mary Wong, seconded by Bill Drake, as follows:
“WHEREAS, at its meeting on 30 July 2009, the ICANN Board adopted a
Transitional Charter for the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG)
that was drafted by the Board’s Structural Improvements Committee
WHEREAS, at its meeting on 30 September 2009, the ICANN Board
appointed three new Councillors to the GNSO Council, in accordance
with that Transitional Charter;
WHEREAS, the terms of the Transitional Charter contemplates the
formation of an Executive Committee for the NCSG;
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Board resolution of 30 September, the three
appointed Councillors may elect, for the duration of their term, to
serve on the Executive Committee for the NCSG;
WHEREAS, the NCSG held its first meeting at the 36th ICANN meeting in
Seoul, Korea, on 27 October 2009;
AND WHEREAS, under the terms of the Transitional Charter, the
Executive Committee for the NCSG shall initially include two
representatives from each Constituency of the NCSG;
BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, that the NCSG shall establish its
Executive Committee under the terms of the Transitional Charter and
in accordance with the Board Resolution of 30 September 2009;
BE IT RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Non-Commercial Users Constituency
(NCUC) be requested to appoint two members to the Executive Committee
for the NCSG, comprising the current NCUC Chair and one of the NCUC
Executive Committee members recently elected by that constituency.”
The meeting adopted the motion as presented.
The group discussed the upcoming election for a GNSO Chair and a Non-
Contracted Party House Vice-Chair.
There being no other business, the meeting ended at 5.30 p.m.
Mary Wong
Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117 USA
p: +1-415-553-6261 f: +1-415-462-6451
w: e: robin at
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