Fwd: Advise Requested regarding Constituency Day

William Drake william.drake at GRADUATEINSTITUTE.CH
Wed Apr 1 16:48:57 CEST 2009

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen at icann.org>
> Date: April 1, 2009 10:41:52 AM GMT-03:00
> To: "MWong at piercelaw.edu" <MWong at piercelaw.edu>, Carlos Affonso  
> Pereira de Souza <caf at fgv.br>, "william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch" <william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch 
> >, Robin Gross <robin at ipjustice.org>
> Cc: GNSO Secretariat <gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org>
> Subject: Advise Requested regarding Constituency Day
> Dear Mary, Carlos and Bill,
> Would you please follow up with your constituency and please send  
> your input to Diane Schroeder by 27 April.
> Thank you very much.
> Kind regards,
> Glen
> To the Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees:
> The Board is interested in your views on the best ways for the Board  
> and Supporting Organizations & Advisory Committees to interact at  
> the ICANN international meetings.  As the community grows and the  
> issues become more complex, it has become a greater challenge to  
> find a way to effectively and efficiently organise this interaction.
> In particular, the Board would like to come to a shared  
> understanding of what Constituency Day should be, with a view to  
> trying out different ways of interaction during the Constituency Day  
> at next ICANN international meeting in Sydney..
> At present the Constituency Day is organised as follows:  the Board  
> is divided up and a number of members are assigned to various  
> constituencies for different amounts of time depending on the  
> constituency.  The idea behind this approach was to give the Board  
> members an opportunity to listen to some of the constituency  
> business, not just rely on the question and answer time with the  
> Board. To prepare for the visit by the Board members, each  
> constituency is asked to provide a list of topics that they would  
> like to discuss with the Board.  Some constituencies are better at  
> providing this than others.   Board Members are assigned to  
> constituencies other than the one with which they are most  
> familiar.  In addition, the CEO and the Chair visit all  
> constituencies.  At the end of the day, after all the visits, the  
> Board comes together and exchanges the views they have heard from  
> the various groups.
> To assist in the discussion about the future of Constituency Day,  
> the Board would like your thoughts on the following specific  
> questions, by the end of April.
> What is the goal of having the Board meet with a Supporting  
> Organization, Constituency, or Advisory Committee during the ICANN  
> meeting?
> What is the best communication method between the Board and a  
> Supporting Organization,  Constituency or Advisory Committee during  
> the ICANN meeting?
> How much time is needed for effective communication with the Board?
> Who of the Board should come to such meetings – the CEO & the  
> Chair?  A representative group of board members?  All Board members?
> Thank you for your help in this process.
> Diane Schroeder
> Director of Board Support
> 4676 Admiralty Way, Ste. 330
> Marina del Rey, CA 90292
> +1-310-301-5827 (direct office)
> +1-310-823-9358 (main phone)
> +1-310-823-8649 (fax)
> +1-562-644-2524 (mobile)
> ------ End of Forwarded Message

William J. Drake
Senior Associate
Centre for International Governance
Graduate Institute of International and
   Development Studies
Geneva, Switzerland
william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch
New book: Governing Global Electronic Networks,

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