P.S.: NCUC statement on new gTLDs

Norbert Klein nhklein at GMX.NET
Mon Dec 15 06:18:25 CET 2008

Final greetings from Korea, running to the airport.

I am sure it is very unwise to hope for an extension - we will just not be
part of the party.

Sorry to be brief - I am under time pressure.



On Monday, 15 December 2008 13:17:29 Mary Wong wrote:

> I'm happy to stand corrected by others more experienced than I, but I'm not
> certain we can get an extension of the comment period for our Statement.
> Konstantinos, let me echo Milton's thanks to you for doing such a thorough
> job on the Statement and for taking the all-important first crack at it!
> Let us know if you anticipate any difficulty with meeting the deadline in
> view of the suggested changes we are sending; I would be happy to help get
> it done in time if I possibly can.
> Thanks again,
> Mary

Phnom Penh/Cambodia
PGP key-id 0x0016D0A9

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