Goodluck and ICANN Nomcom

karen banks karenb at GN.APC.ORG
Sun Jun 24 17:51:51 CEST 2007

hi everyone

I've been doing some work for the ICANN nomcom process this weekend,
and thought i should really drop a note about how it's all been going.

To remind, i was nominated by NCUC to the ICANN nomcom for
2007.  Nomcom members don't represent consituencies of course, but
they obviously bring to the group who they are, their values,
principles, ideas etc.

This year, the work involves selecting candidates for seats that will
become vacant at this years ICANN AGM - November (LA)? they are:

Board - 3 seats ; GNSO - 2 seats ; CCnso - 1 seat; ALAC - 3 seats -
Asia-Pacific, LAC and Africa

We are now in the 'review and evaluation' phase of the process
(, which will run up to  a face to
meeting in Toronto, early July, for the *beginning* of the final
selection process. (info about the numbers of applicants,
geographical, gender etc can be found here :

There isn't that much i can tell you about the process, or
candidates, that isn't public information - but it's certainly given
me an opportunity to learn about ICANN, and think about ICANN in much
more structured and focussed ways - and this is an experience not
easy to come by for most of us wanting to participate in ICANN
processes with limited or no resources - so i'm grateful to NCUC for
that opportuinty.

I've also been working pretty hard, though you'll just have to
believe me on that as i've no public proof ;)

milton's post to the Internet governance caucus list (in error) about
the coming together of ALAC and NUCC in san juan in light of the
Board governance committee report on the GNSO reform - urged me to post..

if you have any comments or questions in relation to nomcom that i
can answer, i'm happy to..

to those in san juan, have a good week - seems like quite a heavy agenda..

do we have an NCUC agenda for the week?


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