[Fwd: [council] GNSO Council motions 12 April 2006]

Robin Gross robin at IPJUSTICE.ORG
Wed Apr 12 19:34:10 CEST 2006


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[council] GNSO Council motions 12 April 2006
Date: 	Wed, 12 Apr 2006 19:03:43 +0200
From: 	GNSO.SECRETARIAT at GNSO.ICANN.ORG <gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org>
To: 	council at gnso.icann.org

[To council[at]gnso.icann.org]

Dear Council Members,

Ahead of complete minutes of the GNSO Council teleconference held on 12 
April 2006, Council passed the following motions:

Motion 1

"The GNSO Council recommends that the WHOIS task force use the following 

"The purpose of the gTLD Whois service is to provide information 
sufficient to contact a responsible party for a particular gTLD domain 
name who can resolve, or reliably pass on data to a party who can 
resolve, issues related to the configuration of the records associated 
with the domain name within a DNS nameserver."

as a working definition to allow the task force to proceed on terms of 
reference (2), (3), and (4) (see: 
http://gnso.icann.org/policies/terms-of-reference.html )"

18 Votes in favour, 9 votes against

Motion 2

"The GNSO Council proposes opening  nominations for candidates for ICANN 
Board seat #14 for a period of 21 days from Sunday 16 April to Saturday 
6 May 2006."

Unanimously accepted.

Motion 3

The GNSO Council thanked Michael Palage for his time on the ICANN Board 
and his willingness to communicate and work close to the GNSO Council 
during that period.

Unanimously accepted.

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat - ICANN

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