[council] GNSO website links to GNSO meetingcaptioning and WHOISDescriptions of work

Milton Mueller mueller at SYR.EDU
Thu Oct 30 15:22:55 CET 2003

Chun was very active during the meeting. It was good. 
Too bad he is "retiring" from the Council. Can you become a
"coach" for the new team? 

Chun, any news from Glen (GNSO Secretariat) about our 
election and ballots? 

>>> Chun Eung Hwi <chun at PEACENET.OR.KR> 10/30/03 07:07AM >>>
Dear all,

Yesterday, for 4 hours, I should have had a GNSO meeting.
There was very severe invisible battle in that meeting.
Due to serious tension, in the midst of that meeting, I made a small
mistake, but by and large, our constituency concerns had gone through the
whole meeting. Thank you, Milton Mueller and Kathy Kleimann!
Here is the transcript and the revised terms of references for Whois TFs.
I think we should soon take into account who will participate in those


Chun Eung Hwi
General Secretary, PeaceNet | phone:     (+82)  2-2166-2205
Seoul Yangchun P.O.Box 81   |   pcs:     (+82) 019-259-2667
Seoul, 158-600, Korea       | eMail:   chun at peacenet.or.kr 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 12:38:59 +0100
From: GNSO SECRETARIAT <gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org>
To: 'council' <council at gnso.icann.org>
Subject: [council] GNSO website links to GNSO meeting captioning and WHOIS
    Descriptions of work

[To :council at gnso.icann.org] 
[To : whois-sc at gnso.icann.org] 

Please find the  GNSO Council Carthage meeting captioning at:

Please find the Descriptions of work in the 3 WHOIS areas as amended and
voted on at the GNSO Council Carthage meeting, October 29,2003 at:

Thank you.

GNSO Secretariat

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