GNSO notification re: Gabriel Pineiro

Milton Mueller Mueller at SYR.EDU
Tue Oct 7 21:14:02 CEST 2003

OK, I stand corrected, Erick did send in his application Sept
12 but it didn't get into the right hands. This problem 
now resolved. We will publish one final list tonight; new 
applications won't be accepted for this round of
voting but we will give one last chance to correct any 
mistakes or omissions.

>>> Milton Mueller <Mueller at> 10/07/03 11:53AM >>>
Neither Gabriel nor Erick's organization has applied.

>>> Norbert Klein <nhklein at GMX.NET> 10/07/03 09:38AM >>>
Erick Iriarte Ahon wrote:

> Hola..
> primero que nada, aun no nos reaceptan como organizacion, por lo cual
> puede que este mail no llegue a la lista.
> segundo, de lo que se, gabriel estaba con unos problemas familiares
> bastante agudos agravados por la crisis argentina.
> Erick

Gracias, Erick.

Yo quisiera saber porqué (y según que tipo de procedimiento) su
organización no a sido acceptado.


((Rough translation:

Erick says that their organization has not been accepted as a member of

I am asking back why (and according to which precedures) this happened.


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