NCUC Executive Committee Minutes
Milton Mueller
mueller at SYR.EDU
Sun Dec 7 02:03:44 CET 2003
NCUC Executive Committee Minutes
December 5, 2003
10:30 am North America, 4:30 pm Germany
11:30 pm Philippines.
Meeting time: two hours
Method: IRC
Milton Mueller, Chair
Valerie Gordon, LAC rep
Chris Chiu, NA rep
Horacio Cadiz, AP rep
Iliya Nickelt, EU rep
1. Budget/finances report
* $550 in NCUC account from memberships
* about $1500 of EPIC Public Voice grant remaining
* Afilias will donate $5000. Some discussion of
appropriateness of accepting it. EC agreed that as long as
it is public and Constituency makes it clear that its
activities and decisions will not be affected it will take it.
* Must set up credit card payment system for members
using non-US currencies
* $5000 budgeted for Rome meeting
2. Make a decision about terms of Council members
Marc and Jisuk tied in votes, must
be assigned a two-year or a one-year term.
Difficult and somewhat arbitrary choice,
after deliberation Marc chosen because of his
experience with ICANN processes, Jisuk has an
excellent chance of being re-elected next year
should she choose to do it.
3. Make a decision about Secretary-Treasurer
David Bell (Syracuse U. GA) continues at least until Summer.
We will start looking for alternatives at Rome meeting
4. Whois Task Forces
Up to $300 budgeted for (documented) expense reimbursement
for TF participants (mostly phone costs)
5. Africa representation on EC
Valerie Gordon will relay to Thierry Amoussogbo the EC's
desire to have him represent Africa on the EC. Because
the election was missed, he will be appointed as an
advisor and invited to meetings. Thierry missed the
election because a change of location led to missed
6. Make a decision and/or define a process to pick a NCUC
representative to the PIR Advisory Committee
The Comittee decided that after consulting with our past
rep (YJ Park) about the nature of the position and the best
type of person to appoint, we would issue a call for nominations
on the NCUC-discuss list. By mid-January, the EC will appoint
7. Charter revisions
There are some loose ends in the charter that were
identified by Adam Peake. MM will dig up that message,
Iliya will also prepare a list of things that may need
to be changed.
10. Schedule next session
Next EC meeting set for some time in mid-late January,
re-using the chat room format that worked successfully
this time. MM will propose specific date and gain approval
from other EC members. Thanks to Iliya Nickelt for use of
his chat site.
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