[ncdnhc-discuss] UDRP Revision??

Milton Mueller Mueller at syr.edu
Mon Nov 4 17:19:44 CET 2002

When I was co-chair two things happened. 
First, the task force itself was assembled, and
then the survey instrument was developed. 
This happened only a couple of weeks behind

>From that point on, I have had no official authority
to do anything. I was not enthusiastic about having
a survey at all, and suggested that we get directly to
work, but this received no support from the TF 
members. I note that your recent suggestion that the
TF start over received the same reception - silence.

I am not insinuating that anything is a "conspiracy"
Please elevate the level of your discussion if you
want to accomplish anything. That kind of rhetoric 
is not constructive.

The simple fact is that the TF is chaired by a member
of the IPCC; the IPCC is perfectly satisfied with the
UDRP as it is now and has no incentive to open it up
for change. That is not a conspiracy, that's politics.
That's the way things work in US Congressional
committees, for example - if the chair doesn't like
legislation, it never gets out of committee.

If you have a better explanation let's hear it.

>>> "Neuman, Jeff" <Jeff.Neuman at neustar.us> 11/04/02 08:19AM >>>
Sorry Milton, but nothing happened on this task force since the very
beginning when you were a co-chair except for a meaningless survey which I
believe was out of date the day it was released.  The TF has always had poor
leadership but I believe much of it had to do with the way too broad Terms
of Reference.

I do agree that the new Chair is not doing anything to advance the Task
Force and I have advocated before and I will again, that the TF needs to
start over.

Please do not insinuate that everything is a conspiracy.  Otherwise you too
(as former co-chair) will be grouped in with the rest of us :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Milton Mueller [mailto:mueller at syr.edu] 
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 9:23 PM
To: marc at fuchsia.bijt.net; discuss at icann-ncc.org 
Subject: Re: [ncdnhc-discuss] UDRP Revision??

In a word, ever since a new Task Force Chair from the
IPCC was elected, all progress came to a halt. The new 
Chair has not taken any initiative and has sent I think
exactly one message to the TF list since being elected. 

In short, nothing has happened. 

Is it an accident? ;-)

>>> Marc Schneiders <marc at fuchsia.bijt.net> 11/02/02 01:05AM >>>
Has anyone any idea what happened to the evaluation (and possibly and
hopefully revision) of the UDRP, which was promised for end 2000?

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