[ncdnhc-discuss] End of the Crocker game? (Re: Time to stop playing (Re: [ncdnhc-discuss]Board confl

Milton Mueller Mueller at syr.edu
Fri May 17 22:38:56 CEST 2002

Hi, Marc:

I really do suggest that you filter Crocker. Interactions
with him add no value to anything.

The assertion that Blokzijl intervened in the .org discussion
in a specific way is a matter of public record. Anyone is
free to interpret that intervention for themselves; read
the transcript. My interpretation is that he played a key 
role in steering the Board away from a non-profit or

The assertion that his wife was employed by Neulevel at
the time this intervention took place is a fact. Mrs.
Blokzijl has confirmed it directly to me and no one
denies it.

That she was hired by Neulevel a few months after 
marrying Blokzijl is also a verifiable fact.

The allegation that I am hired by or am interested in being
involved with any .org bidder is false, it is something that 
Crock just made up on the spot. There is not a shred of 
evidence to support it, and he hasn't even pretended to 
produce any. 


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