NCDNHC - organizational conflict of interests. (Re: [ncdnhc-discuss] ICANN Board Solicits Input

Alexander Svensson svensson at
Wed Jul 10 10:10:52 CEST 2002

Dear all,

I think that the .org COI discussion is a bit exaggerated;
I'm certain the Task Force members are aware of such an 
organizational conflict of interest (which has not been
created by the NCDNHC, but by one of the bidders). It's
certainly in the interest of the NCDNHC to adhere to high
standards in order to hold other groups to them -- if the
TF members don't belong to organizations supporting any
of the bids and if they make it clear that they're aware
of the possible trap, there's nothing to worry about.

BTW, I think the 4/5/6 evaluation is a great way to 
demonstrate how ICANN can profit from the NCDNHC's knowledge. 
On the other hand, if the NCDNHC fails to meet deadlines or it
does not make useful recommendations, it will surely be used
against it. The TF volunteers should be aware of the 
importance of their commitment.

Best regards,
/// Alexander

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