[ncdnhc-discuss] Montevideo and MArina del REy resolutions

Dave Crocker dhc2 at dcrocker.net
Sun Jan 13 21:27:47 CET 2002

At 02:59 PM 1/13/2002 -0500, Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales wrote:
>which I was against since I was pushing since December to vote on
>resolutions before NC had to make

Yes, waiting 2 months after a meeting, to poll the entire constituency 
about votes taken at the meeting is quite troubling.  With that much time 
passing, there is no context for the polling.

Also as you note, the meeting vote results are used with the NC, rendering 
the actual consultation with the entire constituency useless.


Dave Crocker  <mailto:dcrocker at brandenburg.com>
Brandenburg InternetWorking  <http://www.brandenburg.com>
tel +1.408.246.8253;  fax +1.408.273.6464

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