[ncdnhc-discuss] Board Positions on .ORG

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Wed Apr 3 13:49:21 CEST 2002

Transcripts of the Accra public meeting include the discussion of dot.org

See the last items in the morning session file, at 
<http://www.icann.org/accra/captioning-morning-13mar02.htm>, Louis 
Touton's and Andrew McLaughlin's comments.  They are concerned about 
details (that staff and board have to fill out) timing and criteria 
for judging applications. Timing in particular is a bind, but so are 
other problems that seem to be bothering Louis and Andrew.  Any way 
for the names council task force to reform (even informally) to 
provide guidance?

And in the afternoon session, 
opening comment, Amadeu asks a question of the task force/names 
council. About marketing and policy oversight body.

One of the more troubling rumors (as far as I'm concerned) about 
dot.org is one that says VeriSign plans to establish a not for profit 
entity to enter a bid. I hear of people trying to drum up support for 
such an effort among Asia Pacific region non profits. Idea of 
VeriSign divesting org to itself is a little troublesome. (and with 
my weird foreigner's view of US taxes I can imagine them ending up 
with a tax break of more than $5 million for giving $5 million to 
themselves :-)



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