[ncdnhc-discuss] [Report] New TLD Evaluation TF

YJ Park yjpark at myepark.com
Thu Apr 18 18:53:06 CEST 2002

Update after Interim Report of New TLD Evaluation TF 
was posted as of Dec 3th, 2001.

1. The total number of emails exchanged: 33
Diane Shroeder: 2 (Note: Diane is not member of TF)
Geoff Huston: 1
Jaap Akkerhuis: 2
Marilyn Cade: 6
Mike Heltzer: 2
Pindar Adrian: 2
Stuart Lynn: 7
Sebastien Bachollet: 7
Vany Martinez: 1
YJ Park: 3

2. The number of emails under different Headers.
1: NTEPPTF(Mar.20)
1: Meeting & Teleconference on Sunday March(Mar. 9)
9: Meeting in Accra(Mar. 13)
7: Meeting in Ghnana(Jan. 30)
2: Apologies(Feb. 20)
7: Telemeeting February 19(Feb.1)
5: Back to work for NTEPPTF(Jan. 28)
1: Interim Report how to formulate the questions(Dec. 21)
*Note: The firstly posted date is recorded.

3. The meetings held since Interim Report.
3.1. Teleconference held on Feb. 19. 
       Attendees:Jaap, Marilyn, Michael, Sebastien, YJ 
3.2. Accra, Ghana f2f Meeting.

I have been still waiting for the Accra TF meeting minutes 
which I could not attend. I asked for the meeting minutes though
both TF list(Mar. 20) and private message to the Chair(Apr. 1).

I was asked to leave the meeting at the beginning of the TF 
meeting by Chair of the TF, Stuart Lynn.

Attendess: Jaap, Marilyn, Pindar, Sebastien, Stuart,
(They were the TF members when I was there at the beginning
of the TF meeting physically.)

4. TF membership
NCDNHC may consider following action.

NCDNHC NC reps send the agreed TF members to the DNSO 
NC Chair asking for forwarding the recommendation to ICANN. 
Stuart Lynn, Chair of TF, is expected to accept the NCDNHC 


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