[ncdnhc-discuss] Names council candidates

Chun Eung Hwi ehchun at peacenet.or.kr
Sat Sep 8 22:46:34 CEST 2001

Dear Dany and others,

On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Dany Vandromme wrote:

> 1) Accountability would be certainly better achieved if there is some
> natural link or channel between the elected AL board members and the
> voting base. This is aimed in the ALSC proposal. It is certainly not
> achieved today with the current process, in which the at-large role is
> only to vote once a while. There is no point to fight for 9 Al directors
> if there is no mechanism for accountability. 

You are right except that at least less than half of at large board
members would certainly make ICANN less accountable.

> 2) From others' contibution, there is a big confusion between the
> NCDNHC, which is made (supposely) from non-commercial ORGANISATIONS, and
> the At-Large which is made from individuals. If NCDNHC starts to behaves
> like an At-Large, that would mean that the constituency is voiced only
> by individuals rather than organizations.

Your statement is not clear, but NCDNHC has much more common base with at
large members than any other constituency could do because they are
non-commercial and users or customer rather than provider or supplier.
Your argument that NCDNHC is different from At-Large Members is generally
acceptable, but it is definitely wrong that NCDNHC should be different
from At-Large Members. Don't be confused!


Chun Eung Hwi
Chun Eung Hwi
General Secretary, PeaceNet | phone:     (+82) 2- 583-3033
Seoul Yangchun P.O.Box 81   |   pcs:     (+82) 019-259-2667 
Seoul, 158-600, Korea       | eMail:   ehchun at peacenet.or.kr   

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