[ncdnhc-discuss] Membership Status ofSiliconValleyPublicAccess Link

Chun Eung Hwi ehchun at peacenet.or.kr
Mon Nov 5 09:29:02 CET 2001

Dear Kent,

> > The contact point has the voting right and plays the role of
> > communication with that organization. Therefore, so far as our charter
> > clearly excludes those organizations which use the Internet primarily for
> > commercial activity, it is absolutely inappropriate for any person, who
> > engaged in those activity and moreover in those activities that ICANN has
> > some direct relations in its interests, to take the contact point of
> > non-commerical constituency.
> Nonsense.  You are manufacturing conflict.
> 1) There are non-commercial registries; there is absolutely
> no compelling reason to exclude them from voting participation in the
> NCC.  

Sure! Non-commercial registries like most ccTLDs. Now, they have
non-voting status in our constituency. We have never excluded them from
the NCC.

> 2) Despite the fact that the question has been raised many times, no one
> has ever articulated a clear description of why the interests of
> commercial and non-commercial entities would differ greatly as far as
> the domain name system is concerned.  I have concluded that the reason 
> for this failure is because there is no compelling difference between 
> the interests of commercial entities and non-commercial entities as far 
> as the domain name system is concerned.

If it is to be described, we could say that the interests of
non-commercial entities would seek public interests but not private
interests or users' interests but not providers' interests. I believe that
you could find out very clear differences between two regarding the domain
name system if you could read again the whole resolutions that had been
adopted in this constituency. You have already known it, don't you?


Chun Eung Hwi
Chun Eung Hwi
General Secretary, PeaceNet | phone:     (+82) 2- 583-3033
Seoul Yangchun P.O.Box 81   |   pcs:     (+82) 019-259-2667 
Seoul, 158-600, Korea       | eMail:   ehchun at peacenet.or.kr   

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