[ncdnhc-discuss] The BIZ People

Jim Fleming jfleming at anet.com
Tue Nov 20 16:26:05 CET 2001

Consider a TLD to be the name of a tribe 
of people. Instead of the Apaches or the 
Nomads, you have the BIZ People. There is 
only one collective group of BIZ People 
and let's assume they all have unique 
names. Let's also assume, that they all 
want to "register" so that people can find 
them, as they roam cyberspace. 

The BIZ People have been around for many 
years, various companies have helped them 
register and keep track of each other. 
Because of a lot of complex politics, 
ICANN decided to try to wipe out the BIZ 
people (genocide) and replace them with 
their own BIZ tribe. ICANN feels a need to 
demonstrate its power. There are some 
individuals involved with ICANN who have 
stated over the past 7 years, that they 
select TLDs simply to prove they can collide 
and wipe another one out. 

What is interesting is, that the BIZ tribe 
still survives, because it is impossible to 
wipe out 100% of the members, and in trying 
to wipe them out, the tribe grows. In a 
strange ironic twist, ICANN has helped to 
grow the BIZ tribe, at the expense of some 
pain in the BIZ tribe. 

As the dust is settling, everyone is seeing 
what ICANN has attempted to do. One of the 
reasons this is the case is because the 
survivors, bring the history with them. 
ICANN may think they created a "pure" 
BIZ race/tribe, but that is not the case. 

As the BIZ tribe grows, they will learn who 
the other members are, and it will be a 
collective force that ICANN will have no 
ability to control. ICANN is populated with 
control freaks. Look at the ICANN Board, it 
is all aging people who have spent most 
of their careers trying to control something. 
That is what attracts them to ICANN, not 
the Internet, they do not even use the net. 
Many of them are clearly afraid of it. 
This would be like ICANN Board members going 
to an Indian Reservation. They would be 
afraid to get out of their limousines, or 
get their feet dirty. Sure, they would have 
no problem returning to Washington D.C. 
and passing laws about how to herd the 
people on to the reservations, but, as far 
as getting involved with the people? No, 
that is not what an ICANN Board member does. 

Jim Fleming 
0:212 - BIZ World 

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