[ncdnhc-discuss] ccSO

Joop Teernstra terastra at terabytz.co.nz
Wed Dec 19 01:07:25 CET 2001

At 12:47 18/12/01 -0500, Milton Mueller wrote:
>I am also skeptical of a ccSO proposal, although for
>very different reasons. But there are also reasons to
>favor it. It depends on the alternatives.

Milton and Kent,

Forgive me for entering into this.
Can we discuss alternatives for a moment?

-A user- unfriendly (or at least one with underrepresentation) ccSO
- the status quo
- a ccSO pressured to accept a specific "Non Commercial and Individual 
Registrant" representational component.  (mind you, implementation of that 
is not trivial--should it be for each cc or global?)
-any other scenario

Should we not try to come to a consensus about which alternatives the 
NCDNHC can live with?


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