[Ncuc-af] Fwd: **REMINDER**NCUC EC Elections "meet the candidates" Call | Monday 01 June 2019 | 12:00 UTC

Benjamin Akinmoyeje benakin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 14:16:44 CEST 2020


S'il vous plaît entrez à l'élection de la NCUC, appelez les candidats à

Dear NCUC Af,
Please come in to the NCUC election meet candidates call.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 1, 2020, 12:59 PM
Subject: **REMINDER**NCUC EC Elections "meet the candidates" Call | Monday
01 June 2019 | 12:00 UTC
To: NCUC Discuss <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>, ICANN Policy Calendar <
PolicyCalendar at icann.org>
Cc: Mueller, Milton L <milton at gatech.edu>, rafik.dammak at gmail.com <
rafik.dammak at gmail.com>, Carlos Reyes <carlos.reyes at icann.org>,
fgiandana at gmail.com <fgiandana at gmail.com>, hfaiedh.ines2 at gmail.com <
hfaiedh.ines2 at gmail.com>, Andreas Reventlow <ar at mediasupport.org>,
elsa.saade at gmail.com <elsa.saade at gmail.com>, bruna.mrtns at gmail.com <
bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>, rbeauregardlacroix at gmail.com <
rbeauregardlacroix at gmail.com>, benakin at gmail.com <benakin at gmail.com>
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