[Ncuc-af] Fwd: Update - Participation of underserved countries in ICANN 65 in Marrakech

hfaiedh ines hfaiedh.ines2 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 13:53:44 CET 2019

Dear NCUC Africa members,

The call for applications is now open to all African Countries. Deadline
March 3rd.

Best regards

---------- Message transféré ----------
De : *Stephanie Perrin* <stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca>
Date : jeudi 28 février 2019
Objet : Update - Participation of underserved countries in ICANN 65 in
À : NCSG-DISCUSS at listserv.syr.edu

Dear All,

Unfortunately we did not receive any applications from the three countries
listed in the travel opportunity for under-served regions below.   The NCSG
Leadership, after consulting with ICANN staff, has decided to open the
opportunity to an NCSG member in the *Africa region*. Please apply for
funding to participate in ICANN65 Marrakech, if you reside in any of the
African countries. We are looking for members who are already
engaged/leaders or newcomers/less active members who plan to become more
active at NCSG and its constituencies and take part in policy discussion. A
commitment to attend all NCSG meetings ( and the candidate's constituency
meetings if the candidate belongs to a consistency) during ICANN65 is
necessary. A written report is also required 30 days after the meeting.

Please send your Statement of Interest to chair at ncsg.is and
Maryam.bakoshi at icann.org by Sunday 03 March 2019 2359 UTC.  We do apologize
for the short notice.   The NCSG Excom will decide on applications within 3
days of the submission deadline.

Text for the ABR and of the previous call for applications are below:

FY19-08-NCSG-Participation of Leaders from Developing Countries at ICANN
Meetings NCSG request for support of leadership from developing countries
at ICANN Public Meetings

The success of similar pilot efforts and the opportunity presented for
leadership recruitment from under served and underrepresented countries
qualifies this request for support. Approval is granted for 1 traveller per
ICANN Public Meeting in FY19 (i.e. ICANN63, 64, and 65) from an underserved and
underrepresented country within the applicable ICANN meeting region.
Approval of this request is contingent upon coordination with ICANN’s
Policy Development Support Team and on the submission of a written report
within 30 days of travel which addresses how the opportunity met the
request objectives and each itemized metric as per the community request.
The report is to be submitted to sbr-outcomes at icann.org and is a condition
of future resource allocations. Unused travel allocations may not be
carried over to future meetings or the next fiscal year. Approved travel
means economy airfare + hotel + per diem for 1 traveller as noted above.

*From: *Stephanie Perrin <stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca>
<stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca>
*Date: *Tuesday, 12 February 2019 at 16:56
*To: *NCSG List <NCSG-DISCUSS at listserv.syr.edu>
<NCSG-DISCUSS at listserv.syr.edu>, Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>
<maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>
*Subject: *[Ext] Participation of under-served countries in ICANN 65 in

As some of you may recall, we have an approved additional budget request
for 2018-19 to fund the participation of representatives from under-served
countries, in the various ICANN meetings.  ICANN 65 in Marrakech is coming
up, and members are encouraged to apply for the funding if they are
resident in the following countries:

   - Guinea Bissau
   - Sao Tome and Principe
   - Eritrea

This is a short list, and a short time frame as we are being asked to
confirm our list of travellers by February 22nd.  If you know members who
might qualify and be interested, please bring it to their attention.
Please forward statements of interest to myself and Maryam Bakoshi by COB
February 21st.

kind regards,

Stephanie Perrin

NCSG Chair
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