[Ncuc-af] Upcoming NCSG elections

Remmy Nweke remmyn at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 01:48:24 CEST 2018

Thanks Rafik for the insights and clarification you provided.

You do not have to be angry over the question, please.I know you have been
very helpful for Africa as far as NCUC and NCSG is concerned, but then, a
lot of people do not know the rationale of Asia-Pacific. So thanks for the
clarification provided. One was trying to situate where Africans can
leverage on this SG election. I am sure you explanation will help make some
inroads in this strategic thinking and planning.

Presenting more candidates than available positions is well noted.

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On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 11:52 PM Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com>

> Hi,
>> 1. We can also look around and shop for potentials and encourage them.
> encouraging people to be candidates is fine, it is open election and it is
> better to have more candidates than available seats.
>> 2. So I encourage us to look inwards, some candidates may be shy to come
>> out or even selfnominate looking first at the criteria for NCSG including
>> your humble self.
> also whoever who wants to run for those position needs to understand what
> that means in term of experience, work and commitment. Having been
> councillor and chair, I can give some insights what is expected there.
>> 3. What does NCSG charter say on criteria for EC Membership.
>> See: Non-‐Commercial Stakeholder Group Charter – v5May 2011 - gNSO - icann
>> PDFhttps://gnso.icann.org › improvements
> not sure to understand the link to EC membership? you mean the NCSG
> executive committee? they are not elected but appointed members by
> constituencies + the elected chair. however I assume you meant that the
> chair role and tasks are outlined there?
>> 4. There is also something I noticed from other regions which is worth
>> sharing - informal mentorship via engagement and potential in committees
>> and work groups way ahead of any election.
> proven recordings of participation in working groups, drafting comments
> and so on help for sure.
>> 5. Maybe we start with providing information on Africans in NCSG of date.
>> I know of Poncellet from NPOC and Farrell from Ncuc both as appointees not
>> elected. It's unclear which region Rafik is rep. In some instances he
>> represents Africa and at another Asia Pacific where he lives. I stand for
>> more education.
> we need to be clear here, a NCSG GNSO councillor is not a representative
> for a region but the whole membership. The geographical and gender
> requirements in NCSG charter were set to ensure diversity and balance (so
> we don't hae 6 coucnillors from 1 or 2 regions onlu) but are not intended
> to create seat by region. that is a big misudnerstanding and being
> clarified for every election.
> I am still African but happens to reside in Asia Pacific like many other
> Africans over the world. the rules in ICANN about vary, some ask for
> country of origin  and other for country of residence (including tax
> residence). That is at the end a personal declaration by the elected
> officer to decide what is the most accurate choice. After several years, I
> chose Asia Pacific as indication when elected as councillor because the
> country of residence is the practice for GNSO. In fact that decision, make
> it possible for other Africans to run, because if I didn't and with Arsene
> as councillor, there is no chance for another African to be elected under
> the geographical requirements.
> to be honest, I find this kind of questions concerning as it imply
> challenging someone appaternance or affliation. it is not soemthing healthy
> nor warranted. I am still Tunisian, the only citizenship I have and have
> strong ties my country and region. I advocated for the applicant support
> from developing countries  in new gTLD program taking into consideration
> Africa. In the council I represent the whole NCSG membership and
> constituencies, and advocate NCSG positions.
> Best,
> Rafik
>> On 10 Jul 2018 7:54 am, "Arsène Tungali" <arsenebaguma at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Africa colleagues,
>> As you know, based on the timeline that i pasted bellow, the nomination
>> period begings on July 18th and we need candidates from Africa to run for
>> these elections.
>> I remember we discussed the need to somehow strategize before nominations
>> to the NCSG list so we can attempt to have agreed-upon candidates from our
>> Africa list before they can go public. This is not an easy task but let’s
>> try it this time.
>> We need a new NCSG Chair and 3 councilors (only one is term ended, two
>> are still eligible for another term). We have good profiles here in Africa
>> and i would encourage you to step forward here in this thread by telling us
>> which position you are interested in.
>> I hope we can do this and agree on few names that we will support. And if
>> you have any question, i am happy to help or look for clarification from
>> experienced members.
>> Regards,
>> Arsene
>> NCSG elections timeline:
>> Jul 06               check in begins
>> Jul 18               nomination period begins
>> Aug  01            nomination period ends
>> Aug  02            deadline for nomination acceptance and candidate
>> statement
>> Aug  03            voter roll finalized, check-in ends
>> Aug 06             meet the candidates
>> Aug  07            voting begins
>> Aug  20             voting ends
>> Aug  21            results announced
>> *P**ositions: *
>> Chair:
>> Farzaneh Badii - current NCSG Chair (till AGM 2018) -  eligible for
>> another term
>> Rafik Dammak - Asia Pacific (AGM 2018) - eligible for another term
>> Stephanie Perrin – North America (AGM 2018) – term-limited
>> Martin Silva Valent – Latin America and the Caribbean (AGM
>> 2018) - eligible for another term
>> -----------------
>> Arsène Tungali,
>> about.me/ArseneTungali
>> +243 993810967
>> GPG: 523644A0
>> Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo
>> Sent from my iPhone (excuse typos)
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