[Ncuc-af] [NCUC-DISCUSS] Training of the Trainers on IG in Ougadougou

Bram Fudzulani bram.fudzulani at angledimension.com
Mon Aug 28 17:55:36 CEST 2017



Thanks for the info. Appreciated!




Bram Fudzulani  | Chief of Research & Development| Angle Dimension, Private Bag B416, Lilongwe 3.

Tel: +265 111 551 884 | Mobile: +265 997 000 042| Email:  <mailto:bram.fudzulani at angledimension.com> bram.fudzulani at angledimension.com

Website URL:  <http://www.angledimension.com/> www.angledimension.com |Skype: bram.fudzulani 

 <https://www.facebook.com/angledimensionmw/>    <https://twitter.com/AngleDimension>   



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From: Ncuc-discuss [mailto:ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org] On Behalf Of hfaiedh ines
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 4:31 PM
To: NCUC-discuss <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>; ncuc-af at lists.ncuc.org
Subject: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Training of the Trainers on IG in Ougadougou


Dear NCUC Africa members,



 <https://mobile.twitter.com/hashtag/ICANN?src=hashtag_click> ICANN is in Burkina Faso for the  <https://mobile.twitter.com/hashtag/FFGI2017?src=hashtag_click> #FFGI2017 in  <https://mobile.twitter.com/hashtag/Ouagadougou?src=hashtag_click> #Ouagadougou. There's a packed program!


For info more information


>>  <https://t.co/pozy1C1nE5?amp=1> (link: http://ffgi.iticc.bf/) ffgi.iticc.bf 

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