[Membership-affairs] Membership Affairs Coordinator and New Member Intake

Rafik Dammak rafik.dammak at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 04:30:29 CEST 2013

Dear Ed,

thanks for the reply and comments:

> You are better placed than I am to actually make this work. As a member of
> the NCSG EC you are a member of the group whose inaction on membership
> applications caused me to suspend active large scale recruitment. All I
> could do was ask people to act on the applications. Cintra from NPOC was
> the only person who really responded. You are in a position to make things
> happen and I know you will.
yes the process is not optimal and there were hiccups unfortunately, we
already discussed about and trying to fix e.g. using automation and
better management of membership database.

While I am happy to listen to the feedback, I don't think that trying to
blame individuals is  the best or efficient way  to fix process related
issues. anyway I understood the frustration but lets focus on fixing them
and improve the situation . do you have any particular measure(s) or
action(s) in mind?

I am thinking for example if you or any ncuc member approach people
and encourage them to apply, it can be helpful to inform ncuc reps in EC
beforehand to make the process smoother and also having better

btw I am not sure that Cintra is really responding neither the new npoc
rep. anyway you have access to the two files where we have ongoing and
pending applications and you can check the progress.

You are also better placed than I was  to respond to applicants who want to
> know why no action had been taken on their application. All I could do was
> in effect say "not my area of responsibility." The last thing you want to
> do to an enthusiastic young member to be  is try to explain NCSG/NCUC/NPOC
> relations. As a member of the NCSG EC who also is running the MA Committee
> the buck stops with you. I'm told by a former NCSG EC member it shouldn't
> take any longer than a week to approve new individual applicants. Hopefully
> you can get it closer to that standard than to the 4+ months some have
> currently been waiting.

again, coordination can help, to speed up things, it is much better to
coordinate outreach and application review beforehand to avoid contentious
cases .
the goal is not just to increase membership when we still
have engagement issue of our current members. we have to
work simultaneously in both fronts although that won't be an easy task.

> There are some outreach initiatives I've been working on that I will
> continue to work on in my role as an elected EC member. Although I have
> chosen not to do my work through Bill's committees, I will do my best to
> consult and cooperate with you as we try to achieve our mutually held goal
> of greater diversity and inclusion into the NCUC.  Roy, Amr and Nuno had
> some great ideas and I hope you're able to cooperatively produce output,
>  putting their thoughts into concerete work product in ways I was unable to.

yes indeed, I am happy to cooperate , many challenges for ncuc, if there
were none, it will be too easy nope :)?
many things to do for durban and after,




> On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 9:44 AM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch>wrote:
>>  Hi Rafik
>> Thanks, that'd be very helpful indeed!  And since you're also on the NCSG
>> EC, this should also help with ensuring the timely transfer of new member
>> intake info from there.  There's been no formalized process in the past but
>> perhaps we could formalize something simple along the following lines,
>> 1.  Each time NCSG EC meets to review current applications
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmHFgvYjF_e4dENsT21PLTFmeW9qZ2pLLWowc3RTbmc#gid=0and approves a batch, the NCUC reps there (currently you and Milton)
>> forward to NCUC Chair and the Membership Affairs Coordinator (that should
>> be easy :-)  a list of those who've indicated that they'd like to join NCUC
>> (would be good to include their institutional affiliation & country for our
>> membership records).
> Agree.
>> 2.  The Membership Affairs Coordinator forwards the list to this team for
>> info, and the NCUC chair forwards the list to the NCUC EC for approval and
>> asks the members who manage the listserv and website to add them.
> Agree, with reservations (noted below).
>> 3. The Membership Affairs Coordinator sends a standard welcome message to
>> the newbies.  Would be good if this team could decide what info should be
>> conveyed and draft the letter.
> First, that has been happening. Every member admitted this year has, or
> should have,  received such an e-mail from me.
> In reality, I don't believe the MA facilitator should be sending such a
> letter. The letter should come from the Chair. New members deserve to be
> welcomed by an elected member of the EC, preferably the Chair,  not by a
> committee leader. It might not be a bad idea to have the elected EC
> representative of the region the new member is from also to send a welcome.
> I intend to do so for all new members from North America.
>> 4. Should we get the necessary technical support, in the future the
>> transferral from NCSG EC to NCUC EC perhaps could be automated.
> I believe Tapani is working on such a process.
> The problem with some of what has been proposed is it ignores the Bylaws
> that are supposed to govern our Constituency. I once again ask that a
> Secretary Treasurer be appointed to fulfill the role ascribed to him / her
> in our Bylaws for processing new members. As the new facilitator of the MA
> is not a current EC member a logical appointee does suggest itself. There
> does not need to be any interference, merely delegation, of the finance
> function. Compliance with the current Bylaws, where possible,  are not only
> good practice, they are mandatory, and I'd suggest we start with this
> appointment.
> Ed
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