[NCUC Inreach] Member data verification

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Tue Mar 19 16:38:32 CET 2013

Hi Tapani

On Mar 19, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Tapani Tarvainen <ncuc at TAPANI.TARVAINEN.INFO> wrote:

> All,
> I've got the member data sorted out well enough that I'm
> ready to send the verification request out.
> (After cross-checking with ncsg data I've mostly relied
> on the latter in case of inconsistencies.)
> Below is a sample message - rather bare as you can see,
> I haven't spent much time thinking about it, so please
> feel free to suggest improvements, introductory text
> or whatever.

Why not just say that NCUC is in the process of a) updating its membership data base, and b) launching a new listserv, NCUC-discuss, to facilitate communications about constituency matters not of general concern to the NCSG, and that in order to do these things we urgently need to verify your details, please.

That's sufficient for present purposes, no?
> But I'd like to get this out soon. As in today.

Pull the trigger.

Many thanks also for the updated and data enriched head count!

> I'll be offline next week, so if this doesn't
> happen now it may not happen before Beijing.
> Also, it'd be nice if someone volunteered to
> share the memberadmin address with me
> and reply to any questions while I'm gone.

> Tapani
> On Mar 19 15:15, NCUC Member Admin (memberadmin at ncuc.org) wrote:
> Dear ICANN's Non-Commercial User Constituency member,
> Please check the following information we have on you
> is correct:
> Name:        	 Tapani Tarvainen
> Role:   	 Official Representative, large organization
> Organization:	 Electronic Frontier Finland
> Country:	 Finland
> Domain name:	 
> Website:	 http://effi.org
> Primary email:	 tapani.tarvainen at effi.org
> Alternate email: 
> Please send any corrections to memberadmin at ncuc.org
> (reply to this message should work).
> Thank you,
> -- 
> NCUC member administration team
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