[NCUC Inreach] (Action Required) NCUC InReach Committee Meeting

Edward Morris edward.morris at alumni.usc.edu
Mon Mar 25 02:20:05 CET 2013

Hello everybody,

Welcome to the initial organizational communiqué of the N.C.U.C. InReach
Committee. I want to thank you for volunteering to serve on the Committee
and hope that this is the start of a very fruitful and productive venture.

The initial focus of this years N.C.U.C. Executive Committee has been on
developing our electronic platform and trying to regularize certain basic
organizational constructs that were missing when we assumed office. Getting
these things done was essential before we could begin our InReach
efforts.There has been some success. We finally have an updated membership
roster. We now have a procedure, albeit one still in development, to admit
members to the N.C.U.C. New listservs have been developed and implemented;
more are on the way. A prototype for a new web design was completed this
weekend and awaits further action.

We’re not there yet, but slowly we have been creating a basic
infrastructure upon which the Constituency can develop and grow. With ICANN
46 in Beijing a few weeks away it’s time to start to talk about, plan, and
implement our InReach efforts for the coming year.

I’d like to get everyone together on a conference call in about a week or
so to begin our campaign. Please go to the Doodle scheduler here:


and indicate your availability to participate in a conference call on the
dates and times indicated.  I recognize that it is a holiday weekend in
much, but not all, of the world and have done my best to provide as many
scheduling options (40 possibilities) as possible. Note that time is
initially set to GMT (London) but is adaptable online. Selecting “yes”
indicates your clear availability, “(yes)” indicates you can make it if at
that time if  absolutely necessary and “no” lets me know you can not attend
at that time.

We will be using either Skype or Google Hangout for the call. Please let me
know if you have a preference for either option, or would like to suggest a
third,  by indicating same in the “Comments” section of the Doodle form.
I’d ask that you complete the Doodle form no later than 23:59 GMT Wednesday
27 March. I will send everyone an e-mail with the selected time and date no
later than Thursday morning.

Please allow an hour for the session, although I anticipate the actual call
will take less time. I’ve noticed that our other Committee meetings have
initially had some technical problems and I don’t want to exclude anybody
while we work things out.

Thanks again for volunteering your time and effort. I look forward to
meeting everyone on the call and working with you throughout the year.

Kind Regards,

Edward Morris


N.C.U.C. InReachCommittee
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