[NCUC Inreach] [NCUC E-team] NCUC Membership Update Needed

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Thu Mar 14 19:03:48 CET 2013

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 11:39:00AM -0400, Brenden Kuerbis (bkuerbis at internetgovernance.org) wrote:

> > send a message to each saying roughly
> > "this is what data we have on you as ncuc member,
> > please check it and send in any corrections".

> This is a great idea, and similar to a check-in procedure Avri managed for
> NCSG during its charter approval.
> I'm sure you were already planning to put responses into a proper database,
> but maybe we should just go ahead and install and use CiviCRM so we can
> manage the membership with hopefully less pain going forward?

If you want to start setting up CiviCRM now, fine, I can install it,
but I've never used it before and it is a big and complicated thing,
so I don't think I want to wait for it - it would reduce the chances
of getting this done before Beijing by 27.3%. ;-)

But yes, I'll of course put the data in a database just in order to
send the messages out, and I expect it'll be easy to import it to
CiviCRM later.

Tapani Tarvainen

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