[NCUC Finance] ICANN Budget Call ­Tonight, Need to Assemble Proposal

William Drake william.drake at UZH.CH
Tue Mar 5 14:22:37 CET 2013

anthony.nweke at gmail.com
avri at acm.org
bkuerbis at internetgovernance.org
maria.farrell at gmail.com
mueller at syr.edu
ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
william.drake at uzh.ch
wilson at isoc.ug
On March 1 I forwarded you the materials pertaining to tonight's call.  Is anyone besides me planning on joining it?

The deadline for submission of fast track budget requests is just a little more than two weeks away, 22 March.  So now would be the time work on any requests for the first trimester of FY14 (up to 10/31/2013).  

1. That would definitely include any support we might seek for the IGF meeting in Bali.  

2. It might also include any request we make for support for a policy conference in Durban, although I'm not sure on this point, not having been privy to the relevant conversations on potential support there.  Perhaps Milton knows, or we can check with Robin, whom we've hired to set up the Beijing thing that might happen, or Wolgang, who's agreed to serve as Facilitator of the Program Team.

3. And anything else we'd want to do in the time frame, e.g. if we wanted to have outreach materials like brochures in Durban…

4.  Note also that on the next day, 23 March, our response is due to our tool kit requests.  I just sent this list the questionnaire on that.

=>  So it would seem that the time has really come that Finance Team must spring to life, identify strategic priorities, work out proposals, and coordinate these through to the Exec. Committee for approval.

It would help to start by confirming that the current list subscribers are the members who are interested in working together on financial management (i.e. nobody missing who should be here, nobody here who doesn't want to be) and determining who our designated Facilitator of the process will be.  I'd thought the latter had been sorted out, but if need we can take another crack at it let's do that ASAP.

As to the items mentioned above, 

*I can try to fill out 4) in collaboration with Robin as NCSG chair, but it would be good to have any input from the team here on the items listed before doing so.

*I am willing to lead draft a proposal on 1). What I'm pondering for Bali is

1.1  An Open Forum at which NCUC/NPOC/NCSG show their wares and talks about globalization of ICANN and why upstanding civil societians should consider joining the fray vis NC

1.2  A workshop, in the format of a debate (perhaps with audience vote at the end), on closed generics.  Since we have strong viewed members on more than two sides of this issue and could draw in some folks from other SGs/SO/ACs it might be a good way to broach new gLTD policy questions before a broader audience.  Could be a nice event.

1.3  We could write to Fadi and Sally and suggest that ICANN typical Open Forum should include SG reps and not just staff or chairs of stuff.

And/or something else?

We'd need to identify who all would really need to be there for this and than calibrate a properly tuneful request.  Might be good to have a look at the requests that NPOC, ALAC, SSAC, et al submitted for the IGF in Baku, all of which were apparently granted.

Ok, that's enough to get started…


On Mar 1, 2013, at 3:10 AM, Maya S. Reynolds <maya.reynolds at icann.org> wrote:

> Dear SO/AC/SG Community Leaders,
> Please find attached the discussion materials for the FY14 budget process update conference call scheduled for March 5th at 5pm (UTC).
> Also as a reminder, the SO-AC-SG special request process was launched January 17th.
> (This is the dedicated budget that is set aside from the overall ICANN budget to be able to take into account specific requests from the community for activities that are not already included in the recurring ICANN budget.)
> There are two separate application tracks: Fast Track and Regular Track.
> ·         Any request with activities scheduled to take place within the first trimester of FY14 (up to 10/31/2013) will need an early decision in order to start work on the implementation toward the end of the current fiscal year. These requests will qualify for a “Fast Track” process and need to be submitted by March 22nd for an early Board approval by the Beijing meeting in April 2013.
> ·         Regular applications are those requests that will be implemented later in FY14.
> Please visit the community workspace to see the detailed step by step process, the template and any submitted application: https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws
> If you have any question regarding special request process, we are happy to answer during the call on the 5th.
> Thank you again for your participation and talk to you soon!
> Best regards,
> Maya Saito Reynolds 
> Executive Assistant to Xavier Calvez, CFO
> 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
> Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536
> 310-301-5833 Office
> 310-339-3787 Cell
> <FY14 Budget Process - Community Call - 5 March[4].pdf><FY14 SO-AC-SG Budget Process[2].xlsx><FY14 Special Budget Request Guidelines[1].docx><Template - SO-AC-SG FY14 Budget Request[1].docx>

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