[NCUC Finance] [NCUC E-team] Hosting the NCUC E-Platform

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Fri Mar 1 08:40:17 CET 2013

On Mar 01 09:51, Wilson Abigaba (wilson at isoc.ug) wrote:

> Not sure why but I always get a lesser figure that you guys. see attached.
> Perhaps my location?

No, it's because you're skimping on bandwidth.
You've started with one share and added RAM and disk,
but left bandwidth at minimum, 10Mbps.
We're buying two shares and adding just disk,
end result is same except bandwidth is doubled to 20Mbps
(and we'll need it, if we're going to put any graphics in there).

Tapani Tarvainen
(in train from Paris to Brussels)

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