[NCUC Finance] Hosting the NCUC E-Platform

Wilson Abigaba wilson at isoc.ug
Thu Feb 21 08:26:40 CET 2013

Dear Milton,

Thanks your answers and concerns.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu> wrote:
> My understanding of the bylaws is that the Executive Committee approves expenditures. The FT is a planning team created recently, is not mentioned in the charter, and has no specific authority other than to recommend.
> My advice would be to prepare a more specific proposal detailing requirements and costs and send it to the EC.

We'll send to the EC then, thanks! We cannot easily specify it in the
proposal because it varies (slightly) during the set-up and upon

> One must be careful of ongoing expenditures, especially if they lock us in to anything that would be costly to get out of, but $400/year is certainly not out of reach.
> It does seem a bit high (without knowing the requirements) as the current Ning site is $235/year but if VPS does something that normal hosting doesn't, I am sure you can convince EC to approve it.
> Another item to be sure to address is how much manual maintenance and updating the new arrangement will require, who will - with ABSOLUTE reliability - take those responsibilities, how you will migrate all current materials to the new platform, and the absolute need for continuity, so don't create a technically demanding platform that no one will know how to deal with when this specific crew is gone.

The platform is technically demanding during initial set-up but after
that, (almost) everything will be by click of of a mouse.

I will add a little more detail in the proposal and send it to the EC.

Kind Regards,

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