[NCUC Finance] Finance Team reboot

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Wed Feb 20 21:58:00 CET 2013

I thought I was the Secty-Treasurer.

5.  Secretary Treasurer: I had also suggested to Maria that the FT facilitator could also wear the dual hat of being our Bylaws-mandated Secretary Treasurer, who would also be a nonvoting EC member.  This seems logical to me, and would enhance the role of the former.  But of course, it doesn't have to be the same person, and since after one week Maria's not responded to my invitation I'm guessing this slot is still open.

Just to review

          * The EC shall consist of the Chair, a Secretary-Treasurer and Regional Representatives (one for each of the geographic regions recognized by ICANN). These EC members shall:

1. Be elected on an annual basis by Constituency members in an online vote (with the exception of the Secretary-Treasurer, who is appointed by the EC).

The Secretary-Treasurer

1. The EC shall elect a Secretary-Treasurer (ST) to assist in the management of the Constituency. The ST will be nominated to the EC by the Chair, with notification to the membership, and must be approved by a majority vote with at least three members voting. If three EC members fail to vote within two weeks of the nomination, the Chair shall appoint the ST.

2. The ST shall process membership applications, research applicant organizations, and provide an initial recommendation to the Chairman regarding membership eligibility.

[the first function of saying yes/no is a no brainer given the NCSG charter and can be handled by the Outreach Team; the second and third functions are done by the NCSG EC. So the ST need not do this. ]

3. The ST shall be responsible for collecting dues and any other appropriate fees from members, depositing such fee, managing the Constituency's bookkeeping and accounting, and regularly reporting to the Chairman regarding finances and accounts.

[we do not have fees and never have, no idea what that text is doing there. Managing the accounts and reporting to the EC should be done by the Finance Team; the ST presumably should be a FT member and help coordinate such activities and interact with the EC]

4. The ST shall assist the Chairman as needed, including in the coordination of meetings and the timely publication of meeting notes.

[ICANN Tool Kit provides these services now]

5. The ST shall be a nonvoting member of the EC, and shall be expected to participate in all EC meetings.

Obviously, if we keep the ST in the next charter, the description of responsibilities will have to be adjusted to mesh with current realities and needs.  In the meanwhile, having an FT would ensure that one or more persons (depending on whether s/he's also the FT facilitator) will be in positions to keep abreast of financial and budgetary processes and keep the team on track and interfaced with the EC.

And it really would be nice to not be so far out alignment with our own bylaws.

Any thoughts on the above?  Anyone interested in taking on this role?


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