[NCUC Finance] financial report for 2012

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Mon Feb 4 15:38:15 CET 2013


You will notice that most expenditures are roughly linked to ICANN meetings, and so are the donations, except for PIR. 

When .ORG was divested from what is now Verisign and given to ISOC in 2002-3, there was a beauty contest and we cleverly extracted commitments from a few of the applicants to make financial support to the NCUC part of their bid. The winning applicant for getting .ORG was the Internet Society's wholly-owned subsidiary PIR, which made one of the strongest commitments. (This is one of those history things that old-timers take for granted and we don't know that you don't know it, so good you asked ;-). 

As that initial period recedes that commitment could probably be ignored, as it is not strictly part of their contract with ICANN, but we have maintained good relations with PIR and so far there are no signs of it happening; on the contrary, they have also provided support to NPOC. 

NIC.BR's support consisted of special donations to the Toronto conference, I think. I think the 15 k PIR one may also be related to that. In earlier years, we have gotten special donations from other sources, such as Google or Craigslist. 

Typically, we simply invoice PIR for those regular donations, and whoever is running our conferences hits them (and others) up for special donations. Whoever is chair is responsible for that, although sometimes PIR has to ask us for the invoice. 

Hope that's clear.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: finance-bounces at lists.ncuc.org [mailto:finance-
> bounces at lists.ncuc.org] On Behalf Of Tapani Tarvainen
> Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 2:14 AM
> To: finance at lists.ncuc.org
> Subject: Re: [NCUC Finance] financial report for 2012
> On Feb 03 21:49, Milton L Mueller (mueller at syr.edu) wrote:
> > Here is a simple accounting of revenues and expenditures on a
> > monthly basis for 2012.
> Thank you!
> While I would like to see more details, this helps a lot.
> One thing jumps to my eye: our income has come mainly
> from PIR and NIC.BR, at somewhat irregular intervals.
> How does this work - can we expect similar support
> this year and what do we need to do to get it?
> Like, do we need to apply for it every time,
> any reporting requirements, &c?
> --
> Tapani Tarvainen
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