[NCUC Finance] [NCUC-EC] Budget Requests Due This Friday

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Wed Apr 17 18:59:27 CEST 2013

Hi Bill,

Hope this reaches you all (our server was compromised on Sunday -- an
email account had been hijacked and sent literally millions of spam
msgs, we are now reeling from the blacklist mafia). On the professional
maintenance of our Internet info space, I do not see as a commercial 
contract, but just a reasonable monthly amount to be paid to a person 
who would take care of it on a regular basis.

If we get funds for printing stuff, I suggest we do like I did when I 
first spread the CGI.br 10 Principles (I think it was in Sydney) -- 
print it locally to save freight fees etc. I just wen to a local instant 
printing store and made the hard copies there just in time for the 
meeting. We do not need fancy/glossy stuff to spread our messages.

fraternal regards


On 04/17/2013 10:16 AM, William Drake wrote:
> Hi Carlos
> Thanks for the feedback.  On your particular suggestions:
> On Apr 16, 2013, at 9:46 PM, Carlos A. Afonso <ca at cafonso.ca> wrote:
>> While I do not, like several other NCUCers, like to have us
>> dependent on ICANN, I think we should anyway apply for these funds
>> -- after all, our very existence derives from ICANN's existence :)
>> Thus, not knowing quantitative limits, I would qualitatively
>> suggest the following items:
>> - make sure we have resources for a decent, professional, regular
>> maintenance of our Internet information/interaction spaces, so we
>> can keep this really up to date; I do not think this can rely on
>> volunteers alone (even the ones with Redbook-grade, Maoist-type
>> dedication :));
>> - btw, make sure that our Internet spaces are W3C/WAI-compliant as
>> much as possible;
> We hadn't contemplated seeking funding for commercially provided
> e-support.  The folks who've been taking the lead on this stuff are
> on these lists; if they want to formulate a proposal using ICANN's
> template and send it to me for submission Friday, they are invited.
> Otherwise we can wait to the next budgetary cycle and revisit….Either
> way, I'm not in a position to do this.
>> - include funds for our now regular pre-ICANN events (for
>> components such as coffee breaks, renting of the room and
>> facilities, travel funds for invitee speakers etc) -- this should
>> always be shared by other funders, like PIR, CGI.br and others.
> Right, I was looking for info on the pre-events.  If I don't get it
> then I'll submit something generic from my hotel room in Panama and
> hope they'll let us clarify details post hoc.  I don't think they'll
> fund invited speakers etc.
> BTW, we have back responses from Xavier on the Fast Track requests
> and they are a bit hard to make sense of at first glance.  NCUC is
> denied funding for print materials and told it'll be considered in
> the regular cycle for post-Buenos Aires, while NCSG gets $5 for
> printed materials immediately.  NCUC's app for IGF funding
> tentatively gets the $12k requested but NCSG and NPOC get nothing,
> and we've applied to do a joint WS.  I suspect what they mean is that
> each of us, NCUC/NCSG/NPOC, gets one travel slot, but it's somehow
> accounted as being under NCUC's allotment.  All kinds of stuff that's
> not obvious to the naked that I've asked for clarifications on.
> Meanwhile APALO and AFRALO each get more than NCUC/NCSG/NPOC.
> Whatever.
> And separately Rob has advised me that I need to turn my Took Kit
> request of a new EC retreat (well, at least those able to come) needs
> to be converted into a regular budget request.  On more thing to pump
> out in the hotel...
> BD

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